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World of Warcraft: fnatic maybe WoW ?

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Geschrieben von trackx

Fnatic mit WoW Team...Nach Gerüchten zu Urteilen, wird der erfolgreichste und talentierteste Painkiller Spieler 2005 namentlich

4.gif Sander 'Vo0' Kaasjager zusammen mit dem Quake 4 Spielern 49.gif Alexander 'Ztrider' Ingarv sowie

53.gif James 'TooGoood' Harding ein 3on3 Team beim dem schwedischen Team fnatic aufmachen.

Hier noch ein Statement von Vo0!

I am glad to be able to compete again in a game which has an enormous userbase and is currently played very competitive in the new arena system. I have been out of competition for over 17 months and the last few weeks I have felt the urge to compete again. When WSVG announced their choice of games I immediatly contacted Jay and Alex as I knew they were playing World of Warcraft as well. They were as anxious as me, if not more, to compete in the upcoming WSVG tournaments. We made a 3on3 arena team and we started practicing right away.

We know the choice of a World of Warcraft competition might sound odd in some ears but people don't realize that this game actually has many tactics. There are 9 classes and each one of them have abilities that totally differ from each other. You have to find tactics, counter tactics, and renew tactics during a battle. It is very competitive and is played by allot of people. There is a reason why the Southpark episode of World of Warcraft has been the most viewed SP episode ever.

We hope to be able to aim for the top spots in the upcoming tournament in China, and hopefully continue our success in other tournaments throughout the year.

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