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Warcraft 3: ElakeDuck leave fnatic

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49.gif Björn "ElakeDuck" Ödman, der die letzten Monate noch für den schwedischen Clan fnatic spielte, gibt uns in einen Interview mit den Kollegen von GoSuGamers, sehr interessante Einblicke über den

schwedischen Clan 49.giffnatic und dessen Umfeld. Er berichtet uns darüber, weshalb er fnatic verlies und obwohl er eine vertragliche Bindung mit fnatic hatte, würde ihm sein Gehalt nicht gezahlt werden sondern an die beiden Warcraft 3 Spieler 47.gif Mihail "XyLigan" Ryabkov und 26.gif Juha-Matti "Satiini" Bäckström aufgeteilt werden, diese allerdings ein Angebot vom deutschen Clan mTw erhielten, da sie anscheint wieder Interesse an einem internationalen Team hätten.GosuGamers: Hello Duck! Just recently you published a forum post, telling that you've been kicked out from Fnatic, can you tell us any more about it ?

ElakeDuck: Let's see if I can get this soap opera right. It started out with mTw trying to set up a new wc3 team, they wanted to get XyLigan and Satiini as players (plus few more from different teams) and trimble was going to manage the team, they offered more money than fnatic. For one reason or another, heard different stories useless to speculate, the mTw thing didn't work out. Fnatic had then already promised to pay Satiini/XyLigan the same as the offer from mTw was to keep them around, - Money that fnatic didn't have. It was decided, don't ask me how, that XyLigan and Satiini would split the salary currently belonging to me. Me on the other hand was offered the great deal of wearing the proud tag of fnatic for free, but politely declined.

Also I want be clear about one thing. Before joining fnatic I was very clear to them that playing wc3 would not be my main focus and I would not be as good (bad if u want) as I previously was, and they still wanted me to play for them.

GosuGamers: How does this work with your contract (if you have one) ?

ElakeDuck: Yea I have a contract running for a few more months but it's just whatever. In my experience most contracts have many useless things listed (post in forums so and so many times write blogs etc etc) so they could use any random reason for not paying me.

GosuGamers: So I guess your current relationship with the new manager Noname and your former team mates are kind of tense at the moment ?

ElakeDuck: Both Yes and No. Noname just joined and he's a smart talented guy which will be interesting to see what he can do with the team. I think the fnatic management handled this pretty bad and I don't agree with their priorities (XyLigan, Satiini getting salary increase for wanting to leave but RotterdaM the most loyal and dedicated player not?) but I obviously understand their decision. RotterdaM is a good friend and a stand up guy which I wish the best of luck, same with elfittaja. Satiini and XyLigan meh...kinda think they are rats.

GosuGamers: Yea, you and Satiini seem to not be the best of friends after reading some quotes available in the WC3L Channel at IRC. Has this relationship gone down just because of this deal or is it something that's been hanging around for a longer period of time ?

ElakeDuck: Not really been hanging around, I just think he's an arrogant rat. I'm sure he doesn't love me either.

GosuGamers: So how is your point of view on your gaming careers future ?

ElakeDuck: I doubt I'll play in a clan again, I'll probably just go to a tournament once in awhile.

GosuGamers: Sad to hear, hopefully ENC is one of the tournaments you are talking about! Any last shout-outs to the big crowd ?

ElakeDuck: Nah, just thanks for the interview.

Fnatic möchte unbedingt an diesen beiden Spieler festhalten und darum mussten bestimmte Aufgaben in die Wege geleitet werden. Nicht nur 49.gifElakeDuck hat fnatic verlassen, vermutlich nach seiner Aussage wird dies auch bald der niederländische Spieler 4.gif Kevin "RotterdaM" van der Kooi ebenfalls vornehmen, da er für seine spielerischen Fähigkeiten nicht genug bezahlt bekomme.

Nun stellt sich die Frage, wie sieht das neue Lineup von Fnatic aus!

Das Lineup sieht zurzeit folgendermaßen aus:

47.gif Mihail "XyLigan" Ryabkov

47.gif Alexey "Abver" Drunin

26.gif Samuli "elfittaja" Sihovonen

26.gif Juha-Matti "Satiini" Bäckström

4.gif Kevin "RotterdaM" van der Kooi


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