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Warcraft 3: Das Ende für WE.IGE ?

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Geschrieben von Amante

Alle Spieler aus dem NGL ONE Team gekickt ? Die Gerüchteküche brodelt. Nur 11.gif Clemens 'HoTLiPs' Uhlig befindet sich noch in dem Team. Ist das das Ende von WE.IGE ?Ja ist es, aber nur für die NGL ONE. Das chinesische Pro Team wird weiterhin zusammen spielen, nur liegt ihr Hauptaugenmerk in Zukunft auf der WC3L, auch wenn die sie Season 2 der NGL ONE, aus Deutschland aus, erfolgreich bestritten wurde.

Dazu das Statement des Teammanagers 11.gif reis:

" WE.IGE leaving NGL ONE. First of all thx to NGL ONE for their great patience and giving us the time to think about our decision. Now after 2 weeks it is official that WE.IGE wont play NGL ONE anymore. There are some reasons why we had to leave the league. First of all the first playday wasnt that smooth for us, host probs and a lot of stress with the internet in china. It is not that easy for the chinese players to play with such bad conditions. At the beginning of NGL ONE there was the option for WE.IGE to play at ngl one in the first season but WE.IGE refused because of the costs that WE would have with the travel to germany but nevertheless WE joined Season 2 of NGL ONE without thinking deeply about it. When it came to the budget to send the players it was a tough negotiation with the management because they werent that happy about us participating at NGL ONE in the first place. Of course they were happy that we won the Season 2 of the NGL ONE but at the current situation we have to focus at WC3L and last season was really tough for the korean players participating in both leagues. I hope our fans can understand our step even though it came all of the sudden.

A big „Thank you“ to NGL ONE for the great Season 2 and the awesome stay in Berlin.

Micha thank you for everything that you did for us!!"


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