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Games: Warhammer Online - Release erst 2008

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Geschrieben von Caramia

Der Release der MMO-Hoffnung "Warhammer Online" wurde erneut verschoben.Der Release wurde im letzten Jahr von Frühjahr '07 auf Herbst '07 verschoben. Nun wurde im letzten Newsletter bekannt, dass der Release erneut verschoben werden soll. Demnach erscheint "Warhammer Online" erst im 1. Quartal 2008:

Community-Manager Richard Duffek von EA Mythic:

We decided to move the release date to early 2008 to invest more time in creating the best game possible. This means taking a few extra months to make sure the final product is polished and brilliant. The team has learned a lot since starting on WAR and the initial work on the Dwarf and Greenskin pairing was not as glorious as they believed it could be. So, they went back to this pairing, conducted an intense review of their work, and implemented new ideas and content. What has emerged is nothing short of spectacular. In the Dwarf and Greenskin zones there is now more war, more Warhammer, and more of what makes WAR glorious.

By extending our development time, we'll be able to do these in-depth reviews several times prior to launch so that all areas of WAR continue to benefit from the experience of ongoing development. In the end, we'll make a better game and players will be rewarded with a truly next generation MMORPG.


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