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Steam: Team Fortress 2 - Neues Update

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Geschrieben von Caramia

Der fleißige Spieler wird es schon gemerkt haben, am Freitag erschien das erste Update nach Ende der Beta. Das Update wird automatisch per Steam herunter geladen und auch installiert.Die Liste (englisch) der Änderungen ist sehr umfangreich:

  • Improved compatibility for direct sound
  • Deathcam screenshots now move the player id panel to the lower right, and hide other hud elements until the freezecam fades
  • Improved autobalance calculation code when determining who to switch
  • Improved networking compatibility for some routers
  • Fixed a crash during level init related to model loading
  • Fixed issues on Dustbowl and Hydro that could occur when a server emptied in the middle of a round
  • Fixed a bug in the clientside player avoidance code, and smoothed it a little more
  • Further crash fixes related to paged pool memory usage
  • Fixed scoreboard team scores label getting cut off
  • Engineer buildings now explode when the Engineer dies during sudden death
  • Fixed a spy backstab exploit where you could stab a player who was not facing away from you
  • Fixed flailing at the low end of the cloak meter when the player gets uncloaked automatically
  • Fixed texture detail level setting "Very high" not being preserved
  • Improved various error messages, and added links to steampowered support pages
  • Fixed scoring problem where destroying a buildable added a phantom point, not attributed to any scoring bucket but still included in total score
  • Fixed honeypot server problems
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by a medigun losing its owner
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed disconnected medics to continue ubercharging their target until they timed out
  • TeamMenu now disables the spectate button if mp_allowspectators is zero
  • Added a missing "cannot_be_spectator" localization string
  • Re-added class count numbers above class buttons for non-zero classes, in addition to the class images
  • Removed prefixes (tc_, ctf_, etc.) from map names in various places where they're printed
  • Fixed some edge cases where grenades could go through player or buildings
  • Fixed rocket/grenade explosions being able to impart damage through thin ceilings
  • The Engineer's "build X" commands will now behave properly when bound directly to keys


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