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Warhammer Online: Falsche Emails

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Geschrieben von Mactron

Es wurde fälschlicherweise eine Email an einige Newsletterabonennten versendet welche sie auffordert einen aktuellen DxDiag-Log hochzuladen. Wenn es euch erwischt hat und ihr bis jetzt noch keinen BetaKey erhalten habt so könnt ihr diese Email ignorieren - leider ist dies kein Betainvite ^^Nun gibt es auch ein offizielles Statement dazu:

Hi all,

Some of you have received an email intended for current beta testers in error concerning updating your DxDiag in your Beta Center account.

We apologize for this error and any confusion it may have caused.

Please disregard the email if you are currently not in beta.

Thank you!

I had a small deluge of PMs, emails and frantic IMs waiting for me this morning, so let me just say a few things:

* Yes, it’s true. We let some more folks into the WAR Beta.

* No, these were not all of the people who won contests, attended certain shows, etc.

* No, this is NOT the Guild Beta. Yes, the Guild Beta is coming

* No, I won’t be offering any information on when or how the next round of invites will go out. Seriously. Even if I knew, I couldn’t say

* No, we won’t be specifying what metrics were used to choose people for this round (or any round). No, it’s NOT a vast conspiracy aimed at confusing or punishing you.

* Yes, you SHOULD keep an eye on your email SPAM folder (just in case).

Finally, if you got an email about updating your DXDiag information and ARE NOT ALREADY IN THE BETA, disregard it. Some wires got crossed and those went out to a few people accidentally.

Es wurden zwar neue Beta Keys versendet aber bis jetzt nur an einzelne Personen. Die GildeBeta ist noch immer in der Vorbereitung und wird aufjedenfall noch kommen.

Aktuelle Informationen zur Gildenbeta:

Guild Beta Phase is a period in development where we are ready for organized groups of people to come in and test certain features of the game to give us a more well rounded view of the game and its mechanics and to simulate moreso how the game will be at launch.

It will most likely be in conjunction with a Focus Test phase.


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