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Lagproblem in PS! (!!!sau lustig!!!) umbedingt lesen!!!

Gast BodYPumP

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Before you read this, please, make sure you are comfortably seated, or else you may fall over with shock/laughter. Also ensure you have been to the toilet, or else spillage may occur.

(skip ahead a few paragraphs if you want the short version)

An outfit mate of mine, who we will call..... lets say..... Loggz, has had a problem with PS for some time now. No matter what he tried, planetside ran incredibly slow, often freezing up entirely. The strange thing was that this was always when he tried to fire his weapon; he could spawn to sanctuary fine, run around fine, other people could be shooting around him, no problem. The only time he would experience problems was when he tried to fire, whether it be in the middle of a heavy zerg, or in VR trainning with no-one else around.

Today, we (or rather Ostekake, our outfit leader) finally decided to try and help him with his problem. We went through everything. He had just bought some more RAM, that wasn′t the problem. His video card is up-to-date. His processor is fine. Nothing wrong with the page file, no viruses, no spyware, nothing. All other games work fine. So this MUST be a problem with planetside. Our outfit leader asks him (over teamspeak) a load of questions about his settings. Everything on low, dynamic LOD off, reserved textures fine, everything seems fine.

My outfit leader asks him EXACTLY when this occurs, and what happens. He mentions that when he fires a continuous firing weapons (like an MCG), it only freezes when he starts firing, once it gets going it is fine. He also mentions that the chat boxes and squad bar disappear when this happens. Wait a minute. We ask him if the entire HUD dispears. Yes, it does indeed. Now when else does the HUD disapear in the course of normal gaming? Hang on a minute......

We ask him to take a look at his keybindings. We ask him what he has bound to "take screenshot".



Up to BR14.

This guy has been taking a screenshot EVERY TIME he has ever fired. He has approximately 12 gig of screenshots in his planetside folder, numbering 5100 in total.

If any devs are reading this, you seriously need to make an "advanced photography" award in honour of this acheivement. He has gotten to BR14 without making a single kill

We are still talking with him on TS, and are discussing what we are going to do with all 5100 of these screenshots. It would be a waste to throw 4 months worth of screenshots away, after all they are a monument to every shot this guy has ever fired, this has to be THE most extensive documentary of a planetside player′s gametime EVER, not to mention the funniest planetside-related problem I have ever heard.

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