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Internet is for Porn!!!!

Gast Bryan F.

Empfohlene Beiträge

zum mit singen:

The internet is really really great

For porn

I’ve got a fast connection so i don’t have to wait

For porn


There's always some new site,

For porn!

I browse all day and night

For porn!

It's like i’m surfing at the speed of light

For porn!


The internet is for porn


The internet is for porn,

What are you doing!?

Why you think the net was born?

Porn porn porn!


Oh heeello kate monster

You are ruining my song!

Oh me sorry, me no mean too...

Well if you wouldnt mind please being quiet for a minute so i can finish?

oki dokii


I’m glad we have this new technology

For porn—oops!

Which gives us untold opportunity

For por—oops, sorry

Right from you own desktop

For uhmm

You can research browse and shop

Until you’ve had enough and your ready to stop



The internet is for porn!


The internet if for porn!


Me up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn!

That’s gross! You’re a pervert!

Ah, sticks and stones Kate monster

NO really, you're a pervert!

Normal people don’t sit at home and look at porn on the internet



You have no idea!

Ready normal people?!?

Ready! Ready! Ready!

Let me hear it!

The internet is for porn!

Sorry kate!

The internet is for porn!

I masturbate!

All these guys unzip their flies!

For porn, porn, porn!

The internet is not for porn!!



Now i know for a fact that you, Rod, check your portfolio and trade stocks online

That’s correct.

And Brian, you buy things on Amazon.com


And Gary, you keep selling your possesions on Ebay

Yes I do!

And Princeton, you sent me that sweet online birthday card


Oh, but Kate-

What you think he do . . .after? hmm?

. .yeah


The internet is for porn!


The internet is for porn!

I hate porn

Grab your dick and double click

I hate you men!

For porn, porn, porn!

porn, porn, porn, porn

I’m leaving!

Porn, porn, porn, porn

porn, porn, porn, porn

I hate the internet!

Porn, porn, porn, porn

The internet is for

The internet is for

The internet is for PORN!


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