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Diablo 3 DAS war alles mal drinn :D

Gast Amonet

Empfohlene Beiträge

Das und nochmehr war alles mal drinn und wird dann den leuten in nen Addon als NEU verkauft :D


Cool Future Content in D3 ?

10 Cool Features that we might see in the future ?

Cool features we may see that didn’t made the diablo 3 release. Maybe one day we will see them in-game, but its a great inspiration to dream about now. They are pretty cool.

Share the message on forums so we one day will see some of the features.

Update: Big Props to Blizzard for posting this on there twitter and facebook page. We currently have over 2000 users online at once but server seems to handle it.

Thanks you all.


1. Talisman:


2. Runes & Runeskills/words


3. Gems: (6 Gems)


4. Mystic: (Buffs & Enchant Items)


5. 3 skills per line for followers:


6. Crafting specialization – upgrade of each weapon & armor


7. PvP system – from 2010, coming to patch 1.1

8. Jeweler crafting amulets & rings


9. Death animations:

10. Random Dungeons, event & quests.


Bearbeitet von Amonet
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