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Legendaries mit höheren Dropchancen in bestimmten Akten


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In einem der Streams die ich öfter anschaue wurde heute folgende Übersicht gepostet.

Auch die Bounty Taschen droppen vorrangig Loot und somit Legendaries aus dem Akt aus dem sie stammen! Möchte man also unbedingt die Gloves of Worship farmen, sollte man sich auf Bounty Runs in Akt II beschränken um die Chancen zu maximieren.

Act 1

  • Mad Monarch's Scepter - 1h mace - After killing 10 enemies, you release a Poison Nova that deals 1050–1400% weapon damage as Poison to enemies within 30 yards
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur - Reduces the number of items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2)
  • Pauldrons of the Skeleton King - When receiving fatal damage, there is a chance that you are instead restored to 25% of maximum Life and cause nearby enemies to flee in fear
  • Golden Gorget of Leoric Amulet - After earning a massacre bonus, 4–6 Skeletons are summoned to fight by your side for 10 seconds
  • Sanguinary Vambraces bracers - Chance on being hit to deal 1000% of your Thorns damage to nearby enemies

Act 2

  • Cloak of Deception - DH cloak - Enemy missiles sometimes pass through you harmlessly
  • Illusionary Boots - you may move unhindered through enemies
  • Gloves of Worship - Shrine effects last for 10 minutes
  • Coven's Criterion- You take 45-60% less damage from blocked attacks

Act 3

  • Burst of Wrath - 2h axe - Killing enemies and destroying objects has a chance to grant 20% of your maximum primary resource
  • Boots of Disregard - Gain 500 Life Regeneration per second for each second you stand still. This effect stacks up to 8 times
  • Pride's Fall helm - Your Resource costs are reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds
  • Envious Blade dagger - Gain 100% Critical Hit Chance against enemies at full health
  • Insatiable Belt - Picking up a Health Globe increases your maximum Life by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 times
  • Overwhelming Desire amulet- Chance on hit to charm the enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage

Act 4

  • All of the legendary items drop in Act 4 - If you want a specific legendary, I'd advise against farming act4 as the chance is diluted by all other possible legendary item drops.

Act 5

  • Death's Bargain pants - Gain an aura of death that deals 750-1000% of your Life per Second to enemies within 20 yards. You no longer regenerate Life
  • Soulsmasher 2h - When you kill an enemy, it explodes for 500% of your life per kill as damage to all enemies within 20 yards, you no longer benefit from your life per kill
  • Helltrapper - 7–10% chance on hit to summon a Spike Trap, Caltrops or Sentry
  • Salvation shield - Blocked attacks heal you and your allies for the amount blocked
  • Pandemonium Loop - Enemies slain while Feared die in a bloody explosion and cause other nearby enemies to flee in fear



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