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Update 1.73 - Preliminary Update Notes

Gast uk_uk

Empfohlene Beiträge

New vehicles:

Ground vehicles

  • Germany
    • Begleitpanzer 57
  • USSR
    • BMP-1P (as researchable modification for BMP-1)
  • Japan
    • Type-5 Ho-Ri Production
  • Italy
    • M26 Pershing 132ª Divisione corazzata "Ariete"


  • France
    • D.371
    • D.373
    • C.R.714
    • M.S.410
    • D.520
    • V.G.33C-1
    • M.B.157
    • VB.10C1
    • VB.10-02
    • M.D.450B Ouragan
    • M.D.452 Mystere IIA
    • D.500
    • D.501
    • Potez 630
    • Potez 631
    • A-35B Vengeance
    • SB2C-5
    • F6F-5
    • F6F-5N
    • P-63C-5
    • F8F-1B
    • AD-4NA
    • M.D.450B Ouragan
    • F.222.2
    • N.C.223.3
    • Potez 633
    • M.B.174A3
    • LeO 451 early
    • M.B.162
    • PB4Y-2 Privateer
    • S.O.4050 Vautour IIB
    • S.O.4050 Vautour IIA
    • D.510
    • D.371 H.S.9
    • S.O.8000 Narval

Location and mission updates

  • Changes in the respawn protection mechanics. Kill areas have been decreased, new logic for enemy detection on the mini map near the respawn zones has been added.
  • Aircraft missions: Number of ground targets for low amount of players in a game session (from 11 to 21) has been increased.

Operations for lower ranks:

  • In missions where runway length was less than 1200m (mainly 900m), original airfields have been replaced by new ones with a runway of 1200m. Now it is easier to land and take off.
  • The accuracy of air defense covering ground targets has been reduced.
  • “[Operation] Counter-offensive”, “[Operation] Bastogne”, "[Operation] Henan Province" and “[Operation] Fortification on Sicily” have been rebalanced so that ground units are closer to the friendly team spawns. (Previously allies had an advantage in these missions). Targets for bombing are now equally reachable by both teams.
  • [Operation] Honolulu now has bombing zones and it is possible to destroy the enemy airfield.
  • "[Operation] Yoo Passage" bombing zones have been relocated and air spawns for bombers are now equally distant from the mission centre.
  • "[Operation] Port Moresby. Distance between spawns are now similar to that of other low-rank Operations. The Allied airfield has been moved. Spawns have been adjusted so that the Allies do not have superior advantage.

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • FV-102 Striker, Ru 251, Т-34-100: Smoke screens have been added.
  • T-114 is now amphibious
  • BMP-1: The BMP-1-P modification has been added, replaces the existing missile launcher with a new one that has smoke grenade launchers
  • Chieftain Mk.3/Mk.5/Mk.10 - rate of fire has been increased from 7.8 to 8 shots per minute. Source: Defense Review 02/1970 Chieftain Main Battle Tank for 1970-s.
  • M4A2 - incorrect magnification value has been corrected
  • MBT-70/KPz-70 - HEAT-FS shell mass has been reduced from 22 to 18.9 kgs, Smoke shell mass has been reduced from 20 to 18.9 kgs.
  • BTR-152А - vehicle type indicator has been fixed. Previously it was shown as an SPG instead of an SPAA
  • SU-85, ISU-122/122С, Pz.IV Ausf.H, Tiger H1/E, Heavy Tank No.6, M4, M4 748(a), M4A1, M4A2, Calliope - order in which ammo is used has been corrected
  • M4A2 - the amount of ammunition for the 75mm cannon has been changed from 90 to 97 shots. Source: Catalogue of Standard Ordnance Items, Second Edition, Vol.1, 1944
  • M24 - smoke grenades available has been increased from 6 to 14. Source: Catalogue of Standard Ordnance Items, Second Edition, Vol.1, 1944; TM 9-2800 Military Vehicles,1947.
  • Panther II - weight/mass has been changed from 47 to 53 tons. Source: Panzer Tracts № 5-4 Panzerkampvagen Panther II and Panther Ausfuehrung F // Waffen-Arsenal, Band 77 - Deutsche Panzer-Raritaten.
  • Pz.IV/70 (A) - smoke grenades available has been increased from 6 to 12. Source: "Panther & Its Variants" The Spielberger German Armor & Military Vehicles, Book 1.
  • Tiger II (H)/10,5 Tiger II/Tiger II (H) Sla smoke grenades available has been increased from 6 to 12. Source: Germany's Tiger Tanks: VK45.02 to TIGER II Design, Production & Modifications.
  • Jagdtiger - smoke grenades available has been increased from 6 to 12. Source: Panzer Tracts No. 9: Jagdpanzer, Jagdpanzer 38 to Jagdtiger.
  • Jagdpanther/Bfw.Jagdpanther - smoke grenades available has been increased from 6 to 30. Source: "Panther & Its Variants" - The Spielberger German Armor & Military Vehicles / W. J. Spielberger - Heavy Jagdpanzer Development, Production, Operations (The Spielberger German Armor and Military Vehicle Series)
  • M4A5 - baffle plate has been added to the engine compartment.
  • A1E1 Independent - AP round speed has been reduced from 580 m/s to 563 m/s. Explosives type has been changed from TNT to melinite. Source: Tank Training Vol II - Part III Weapons Sequence of Instructions 1932.
  • Chieftain Mk.5 - The values of the gear ratios have been refined. The maximum engine revolutions have been increased from 2250 to 2500. Maximum speed has been increased from 43 to 48 km/h. Source: Tank,Combat, 120-mm gun, Chieftain, Mk.5.User Handbook, 1973.

Aircraft model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • Fw.190A-1 - ammo\load for nose-mounted MGs has been corrected - 900 per MG (source).
  • Bf.109 серии G - R-6 modification, ammo load for wing mounted MG151 cannons has been corrected - 135 shots per cannon (source).
  • F4U-4 - G-suit has been added.
  • F4U-4b - G-suit has been added.
  • XF5F - Display of info regarding offensive weapons has been corrected.
  • Ki-94-2 - Binding for separate shooting with different calibre weapons has been corrected (source).
  • D4Y3 - Order of bomb drop for 3х250kg bomb loadout has been corrected.
  • B-29 - Information regarding the ammoload of the rear defensive turret has been fixed.
  • Su-6 (АМ-42) - Deflection angles for the defensive armament has been corrected.
  • Su-6 (М-71-F) -Deflection angles for the defensive armament has been corrected.
  • SBD-3 - Deflection angles for the defensive armament has been corrected.
  • Po-2 - Deflection angles for the defensive armament has been corrected.
  • G.91 pre-serie -Secondary armament information has been changed from kgs to lbs.
  • G.91 R/1 - Secondary armament information has been changed from kgs to lbs.
  • P-51H-5 NA - The dependence of research on suspension armament modification research modifications has been corrected.
  • Tu-14Т - Deflection angles for the rear defensive armament has been corrected.
  • J2M (all modifications) - Armour has been corrected (source).
  • G4M1 - Description in the card for the Type 99 (nominal 80) bomb the has been changed from HE to AP.
  • P-38 - The possibility of using the 2x500 fn suspension armament variant separately has been added (source).
  • D4Y3 - The description of the modification for researching the suspension armament has been fixed (source).


  • Red colour decals for all nations have been added for ease of use on winter camouflage.


  • All engine type sound effect parameters will change when switching to 3rd person view dependant on the angle of view.
  • The sound of all types of aircraft engines has been reworked for higher density and realism.
  • The maximum available sound volume for aircraft engines has been increased in the game settings.
  • Cockpit view In an aircraft now demonstrates absorption of external sounds correctly. This also depend on the aircraft canopy status (opened/closed/missing).
  • The sounds for the Chieftain, Comet, Centurion, Cromwell, Valentine engines have been changed to more authentic effect.
  • The sound of the T-64A (1971) engine has been changed closer to the authentic effect.

.ru reported bug fixes:

  • Fixed ability to change target camera aircraft axis for PS4 (source).

Game mechanics

  • New mechanics for ammo lager destruction. Now, when one of the lagers is destroyed and it does not detonate or catch fire, the module will be marked as destroyed in the damage model and can not be damaged again. Also all shells stored in this module will be marked as destroyed and may not be used. Replenishing on a capture point will restore and reload these modules with new shells.
  • New schedule with gradual increase in level for available vehicles has been introduced in squadron battles.
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