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Gast Bokuden

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Now everybody from the 313,

put your mother-fuckin hands up and follow me,

everybody from the 313 put your mother-fuckin hands up.

Look, look,

Now while he stands tough,

notice that this man did not have his hands up.

The Free World got you gassed up

but whos afraid of the big bad woof?

1, 2, 3 and to the 4

1pac, 2pac, 3pac, 4,

4pac, 3pac, 2pac, 1,

You're paced, he's paced, you're pac, none.

This guy aint a mother-fuckin MC,

I know everything he's got to say against me,

I am white, I am a fuckin bum, I do live in a trailer with my mom,

My boy future is an uncle tom.

I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob who shoots

himself in the leg with his own gun,

I did get jumped by all 6 of you chumps

and Wink did fuck my girl,

I'm still standin here screamin "FUCK THE FREE WORLD!"

And never try and judge me dude

You don't know what the fuck i've been through.

But I know something about you,

You went to Cranbrook, thats a private school,

Whats the matter dawg you embarrased?

This guys a gangster?

His real name's Clearance.

And Clearance lives at home with both parents,

And Clearance's parents have a real good marriage,

this guy dont wanna battle, hes shook,

cuz ain't no such things as halfway crooks,

He's scared to death,

He's scared to look in his fuckin yearbook, fuck Cranbrook.

Fuck the beat I go accapella,

fuck a papa doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer, fuck everybody,

fuck y'all if you doubt me,

I'm a piece of fuckin white trash i say it proudly,

and fuck this battle i dont wanna win im outtie,

here tell these people something they dont know about me.

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Yo, B-Rabbit?


This silly rabbit don’t like lettuce I heard he likes dicks

Faggot niggas

With ponytails and lipstick

I’m for real

Don’t give a fuck

What, what, hoho

It’s like this

Eastside’s where I’m from

You got beef?

Hit me on the street with a badge and a gun

Fuck a badge

I’m comin through with black mags

Bout to

Do this B-Rabbit nigga cause he’s a fag

Like I said earlier in the claw........


Alright look

I can see when I put her to the test

Battling this chick…

With no breast

And why I gotta battle a chick

Especially one that’s wack…

With a dick

So you a dope MC?

Don’t get mad and start taking your period out on me

Cause I ain’t done shit to you

What’s your name confusion

Well then I guess I gotta confuse you

This ain’t something I’m used to

Why the fuck did future even introduce you

I really don’t understand

Why this chick is up her right now who wants to be a man

On this mic is rat-a-tat-tat

Why the fuck am I up here battling da brat

You don’t even really wanna see this

On this microphone I will eat your fuckin fetus


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