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GotSticed TF2Kart Trailer

Gast stice

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Hey, wir (GotSticed) haben unser neues Plugin veröffentlicht. Mario Kart in Team Fortress 2.


Kopie der Beschreibung:

I'm pleased to announce that InstantMuffin finished TF2Kart. We've been working on it since June (with the actual vehicle props) and ported it over to use the fancy bumper cars now.

Even though the name says it all, here's a quick feature list:

-Multilap racing game featuring races in bumper cars for up to 16 players

-Numerous items (7 so far), including item balancing/lottery (like Mario Kart, not like Mario Kart 8 though)

-Introductional flybys

-Various neat effects such as headlights in tunnels


-Stats and records (https://www.sticed.com/stats/tf2kart)

-Automatic demo recording

-Map obstacles (Demoeye shooting rockets etc.)

-2 maps at the moment

-Loads of other stuff!

What is to come:

-More items!

-More maps!

-Ranking system! (Example: Mario Kart Wii)

How you can help:


-Have fun!

-Create tracks with us so other people can race on your turf!

-Help us translate the plugin!

-Report bugs!

-Give us your ideas to make the game even more fun!

Where to play?

The server ips are listed on www.GotSticed.com , as well as on the reddit post (since SPUF rules are a bit sticky regarding this):


Our steamgroup:


Where is InstantMuffin?

Busy coding for you guys and eating muffins. ("InstantMuffin: DON'T YOU DARE IMPLY I'D BE FAT!")

You can add him if you want to:


Der erste Server ist momentan eigentlich fast durchgehend voll, könnt gerne mal vorbeischauen :)



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