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Offene Fragen aus der Nemesis Testrunde


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1. Wann startet der Selfdestruct, wenn er im Generatorraum aktiviert wurde?

Hier haben wir alles richtig gemacht, der Counter wird auf die grüne 6 gesetzt und bewegt sich jedes mal mit dem Missionscounter.



Place 1 Status marker on the first, green space of the Self-De-struct Track if there isn’t a marker on the track already. From now on, each time you move the Time marker on the Track, also move the marker on the Self-Destruct Track by 1 space.


2. Fire Damage pro Runde oder Phase

Der Spieler bekommt jede RUNDE eine leichte Wunde wenn er seine Runde in einem Raum mit Feuer beendet.



Every time a Character ends their turn in a Room with a Firemarker, this Character suffers 1 Light Wound.

Remember that one turn is 2 Actions of one Character (or 1 Action and pass, or simply pass).

Important: Characters suffer Wounds from Fire only after they finished their turn. If the Character passes, they suffer 1 Light Wound from Fire at the end of their turn, butt hey won’t suffer any more Wounds from Fire this round, even if other Characters play their turn after them.


Im Gegensatz dazu bekommen die Intruder nur in ihrer PHASE Feuerschaden.


3. Ist PvP möglich?



He couldn’t shoot me or harm me directly – thanks to anti-aggression implants all space crews had in their brains to prevent violenceor mutiny. However, indirect weapons were one of the ways to cheat the implant. There was just one thing he didn’t know. As a Captain, I could use the same implant to force himto follow a single order.

Also nein :)

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