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Beiträge erstellt von Chefkoch2k

  1. Schöne Erklärung zum AH finde ich.

    You can use the cash AH without spending a dime

    Using the cash AH is entirely optional. Players aren't forced by Blizzard to use it to trade for items. However, many of you fear that having a cash AH will make it so all the best items only sell for real money, thus in reality forcing people to spend money in order to get the best stuff. And while that's appears to be true on the surface, it isn't really. Here's why:

    If you sell an item using one of your free weekly waivers, you can put up an item in the cash AH, sell it, and generate a positive e-balance without spending a single $. With that e-balance, you can then continue to put up items for sale and, using your initial e-balance, pay for the listing fees. Once you accumulate enough e-balance, you can then buy items for real money without having put in a single cent yourself. So you sell that legendary axe and legendary armor you found and use the generated e-balance to buy an awesome staff instead. The system doesn't lock anyone outside of acquiring the best items, what it does is allow people to spend money to get items faster. But it's still perfectly possible for anyone to use the cash AH.

    And you won't even have to exchange legendaries for legandaries. If Blizzard has done its job properly and accomplished what was intended, which is to make gold a valuable resource, then people will want huge amounts of gold for their crafting, repair and vendor needs even if they only use the cash AH. And since gold can be traded on the AH, anyone will be able to sell gold for cash. Of course, the exchange rate between gold and cash is impossible to predict as of now, but in theory anyone will be able to make e-balance without spending any money. Provided there are some individuals out there who actually do put money into the system, some original e-balance has to be generated with actual money. But they will not have to be a majority.

    In fact, the cash system will establish an exchange rate between gold and real money. The exchange rate will be an approximation since there won't be any mods available to track all auctions, but the market will probably reach a rough value. At that point, every piece of gold you make in the game will be worth an amount of $ equal to the exchange rate. This money cannot be taken from your e-balance (can't make e-balance into cash) but it can be used to buy items and blizzard products.


  2. Ganz Global gesehen arbeitet hier Activision / Blizzard auf einen riesigen Social Service Community UeberroXor Dingsbums hin.

    Irgendwann werden Call of Duty Elite und Battle.Net noch verschmolzen werden, alle Titel brauchen selbst für Singleplayer eine ständige Onlineverbindung (Hallo Ubisoft Launcher) und man kann munter in D3 das Geld für den WoW Account farmen oder Alternativ damit das Call of Duty Mappack bezahlen.

    Ich denke es ist eher ein Versuch das Geschäftsmodel für Titan zu testen, weil das 100%ig ein Free-2-Play Titel werden wird der sich über diese Art von Mikrotransaktionen finanzieren wird.

    Am meisten kotzt mich eher an, das man den Singleplayer von Diablo 3 nicht offline spielen kann...das ist richtig schlecht.

  3. Planetside 2 wird wohl Free-2-Play mit einem Item-Shop a la Team Fortress 2 wie es scheint !

    Q. Can you elaborate a little bit on the free aspect that has been mentioned?

    A. There will be a cash shop for the game however the goal is not to sell power. For example we would sell things like customization because we would like there to be a massive amount of ways to customize your characters. So people could recognize you or your outfit out of a group. We will not sell a more powerful gun or vehicle.

    Wenn es wirklich dabei bleiben sollten und man das Zeugs aber auch Ingame Unlocken kann..immer her damit je mehr Spieler desto besser :mrgreen:

  4. Oder 20% mehr FPS !! ^^

    Die Entwickler sind nicht blöde, und im Gegensatz zu Planetside 1 auch recht aktiv in der Community (siehe PSU Forum).

    Deren Motto ist Skill > All...deswegen werden Flugzeuge & Co auch viel schwieriger zu steuern sein wegen der neuen Physikengine.

    Treffend fand ich den Kommentar von T-Ray (Art Director).

    Planetside was way ahead of its time, if we had released it 2-3 years later it would have been one of the biggest mmo´s out there today. Planetside back then was limited by its technology and lack of broadband etc. With Planetside 2 and the new engine only the sky is the limit

    5:10 im Q&A Video

  5. Keine Fahrzeuge hacken weil man Texturen erstellen muss ? Das ich nicht lache, wer dem das glaubt hat sie nicht mehr alle, oder keine Ahnung.

    Dann wird er Unterschied zwischen dem hier genannten BR1 zu BR20 vermutlich zu stark ausfallen und ach was reg ich mich überhaupt auf

    Der Unterschied zwischen einem BR1 (frisch erstellten Char) sowie einem BR20 (mit Squad & Outfitboni) soll maximal 15% betragen wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe.

    Das mit dem Hacken der feindlichen Fahrzeuge macht mit Sicht auf die Unlocks schon irgendwie Sinn. Vielleicht hat ein TR Prowler mehr Unlocks als ein Magrider ka..wenn man dann einen Hackt hat man plötzlich Punkte über im Skillsystem und es gibt nen Crit Error :P

    Bei PSU wurde als Lösung vorgeschlagen, das man beim hacken / aufnehmen von feindlichen Sachen einfach alle selbst erspielten Unlocks für MA,HA verliert und nur die unmodifizierte Version bekommt.

    Abwarten was die Beta bringt...liegt ja noch einiges an Zeit vor uns ! Im Dev.Panel hat olle Smedly bestätigt das 1000 Spieler pro Kontinent das aktuelle Limit sind \\:D/\\:D/

    *edit die Dev Panels als Video

    Developer Round Table

    Developer Q&A Session

    Huge Scale Combat Interview

  6. Q & A

    (copy paste aus dem PSU Forum)

    Q: How will squad spawning be balanced?

    Matt: Oh, wow. I'm a big fan, dude. I'm super geeked you replied to this. heh. Squad spawning is really tricky to balance, no doubt. What we haven't talked about are things like the requirements to do it (needs a relatively advanced spec'd squad leader in your squad to use) and it will be on some kind of cooldown based on the squad leader. It's definitely not designed to be your primary respawn method.

    Q: Why was veh hacking removed?

    Matt: No problem, man!

    Couple reasons, the one you mention is one, another is because we really want to push the empires to be very different in PS2, and getting ahold of enemy weapons and vehicles makes it a lot more of a balance nightmare.

    Keep in mind that from a technical perspective, having to make VS and TR specific texture variants for an NC vanguard is as expensive to our texture budget as having two unique vehicles too (assuming we'd want to do it right, with a full skin not just a decal swap, which we would). Our texture budget is already stretched with all the unique armor, vehicles, weapons etc. I can't think of any other AAA fps game that would have anything close to our texture requirements.

    You'll have fun as an Infiltrator in PS2, I promise.

    Q: How will the command system work? Going from the fact commanders will be able to create custom missions for squads and such, will there be a more merit-based system for commander-ascension? Or the same command-experience system in Planetside 1 which ends up with more commanders than actual soldiers?

    Matt: it's not based on CR like in Planetside. There are a couple paths to being a commander. One is through the cert tree, there will be several leadership related skill trees that you can progress through - progressing these means sacrificing progressing in other, more direct combat orientated roles, so those players who want to be commanders will have to be dedicated.

    You'll also be able to access some of this stuff through the outfits system, more details on that portion in the future.

    Q: Sup matt. Big fan of planetside(since i got into beta) and still currently subbed. Got a question or two for ya.

    First off, that vehicle(assuming mag rider type) firing in the trailer, Is that's just some alpha type effects and will be redone? ^^

    The class system, if you choose to start certing into max(or wuteva) will I have the capability to do anything else or will it be very specialized(only a max user for your outfit). Basically how much variety can you have in your certs/classes?

    Will the reaver/mosq still have the same roles as ps1 & how different is the flight system?

    nyways <3 for making the game ive been wanting for ever.

    TR 4 LIFE

    Matt: We're definitely still in the meat of the development cycle, which means that more passes are being done on art, systems, balance, particles, etc.

    the cert system is really, really free-form. You can be as specialized or generalized as you want to be. If you want to put all your advancement time into Reavers you can do that, and you'll have a more maneuverable, durable and powerful vehicle with plenty of options for secondary weapons and fun gadgets. If you want to spread your certification across lots of different things and be more of a jack of all trades, go for it.

    The flight mechanics are a lot more realistic than the flying camera PS1 vehicles. We're using PhysX for all our vehicles.

    Q: Several of my friends who played the original extensively are wondering if veteran Planetside players are going to see any benefits carrying over into the sequel. I know they're the first pick for beta, but is there anything else in the works? Other sequels (specifically EQ2 and GW2) have offered veteran players the opportunity to reserve character and guild names in the sequel, as well as other benefits.

    MAtt: We'll be taking good care of Planetside players who join us in Planetside 2.

    Q: What kind of "sandbox" aspects will be included? I heard about the outfit bases, but will there be the ability to make whole "towns"? Will there be aquatic bound vehicles this time?

    I will be asking a lot of questions, I must know everything as the first Planetside is the sole reason I started studying game design.

    Matt: Much of the sandbox gameplay is stuff we're talking about for post-launch, I feel like it'd be a bit premature for me to talk too much about it right now. I do like boats, probably won't see them at launch, though.

    Q: If (post == legitimate) { echo "So when's the beta / release?"; }

    Matt: As soon as we're ready.

    Copout answer, but honestly, I want to get the game out there and getting played more than anyone, and we're busting our asses to make that happen - but no one wants a rush job, right?

    Q: 1) BFRs? Dear God say no. 2) When can I expect a release date/beta? 3) Any rough idea on what the hardware requirements might be 4) any chance of a ps3 release (cross-platform with pc!!) 5) Seriously....why NC? VS for life. 6)Any thoughts on boats/ships/sea combat? 7) which reminds me, can you elaborate at all about the differences between classes...that's all...for now.

    Matt: 1. no bfrs

    2. can't say much about dates right now, sorry!

    3 we're gunning for 4-5 year old machines as our low end. More on exact system specs soon as we lock it down

    4.I'm already busy enough trying to get ps2 ready for launch and all these people are already asking me about ps3? Jeez people.

    5. suck it, barney

    6. I think it's awesome, boats rule

    7 The classes are designed to give a specific combat role to soldiers on the battlefield. This helps a few things: 1) makes enemies immediately recognizable, you see someone and you'll know what sort of bad things they'll be able to do to you 2) helps players understand their purpose a bit better. We'll have familiar classes like Medics, Engineers, Heavy Assault, Infiltrators, and MAXs. Each of these will have significant room to specialize and tailor to your playstyle

    Q: Can you swim?

    Matt: Yes, although I cannot surf. I'm looking off my balcony at some surfers right now and it's making me jealous.

    Q: Why the move away from the mechanic of certifications in the first Planetside, which was one of the best things about the game?

    I loved Planetside, played for several years, and I'm happy that Planetside 2 is in development, but the news I've read makes it seem like a vain attempt to cash in by transplanting ideas taken from the biggest MMOs on the market today, and not an advancement of what made Planetside great.

    Some aspects of certifications in the original Planetside were great. The freedom to grab whatever cert you wanted, instead of being restricted by some arbitrary experience tree or bar for a particular piece of equipment, was extremely gratifying. I really hated imprinting, Command Rank, and medal-restricted certifications because they took the opposite path.

    There are some people who like to continuously "earn" things in an endless steady progression, and MMOs usually cater to these people. But FPS games are by and large competitive in nature, and being prevented from executing some strategy because requisite equipment hasn't been "earned" is extremely irritating, almost punishing. I enjoy the feeling of getting more skilled at playing the game, and I'd rather the game reward me for that, instead of punishing me less as time goes on.

    Matt: I have for years used the Planetside cert system as an example of an absolutely ingenious and well-executed system, so I'm right with you on it's brilliance. It works incredibly well to let players grow in meaningful but horizontal ways. Our system does a lot of the same things, but we've got a lot more stuff to unlock and the depth lets us have some power growth (~20% total potential power growth from a 5 minute player to a 5 year player is our goal) and long term reach goals for players.

    Q: Will there be meaningful Day/Night Cycles?

    Will Hitboxes become important in PS2?

    Matt: the engine supports day/night cycle really, really well. We definitely want to take advantage of that.


    Q: I have to ask, quick knife or equip knife? (One stab one kill?)

    Matt: We're still deliberating. Some of the discussions about this have almost ended with people getting stabbed. Passionate debate.

    Q: As an outfit leader, will I need to spec in leadership just to create/control my outfit?

    Matt: Nope, we moved away from this because it sucked if you're in a huge outfit and the leader with all the outfit leadership skills quits.

    Outfits DO have a skill tree though, it's progressed similar to the player progression (outfit leaders and designated officers can decide where the time based skill unlocks go), and it unlocks things like max outfit size, outfit customization (visual and gameplay related). We really want outfits to feel like army divisions, i.e. when you see someone who is in the 101st airbourne you know that's a badass paratrooper. We're going to allow you to specialize your outfit in, for instance, Heavy Armor so when you come rolling over the hills in your decked out, customized Prowlers with outfit level bonuses and the "Jownzorz's Javelins" logo on the side all the troops on the ground know that the serious tank drivers have arrived. That's the goal.

    edit to add: the other cool thing about this is it creates the aspiration for anyone on your empire who is interested in driving tanks to want to join your badass outfit too.

    Suggestion: Suggestion for when you make new planets. Don't just make new terrain. Make the planets different. Different gravity, atmospheres, etc, that also has vehicles and armors unique to it. A gas giant planet with floating cruisers, all air, and jetpack infantry. A moon with low gravity and no atmosphere where you can jump 100 yards. A venusian hell hole with such bad weather flying machines are completely out of the question and even infantry armors are like MAX units. A water world with little land mass, that is devoted almost entirely to sea battles.

    Matt: cool ideas =)

    Q: Why add power growth?

    Matt: well, we (game developers) put this stuff in because people, in general, like feeling like they're getting more powerful. meaningful character progression is integral to keeping many people interested and motivated in games. Planetside 2 will always be about player skill first and foremost.

    Q: Will that span on to environmental effects? Like in Planetside, but because the option to turn them off existed, being able to see the awesome sandstorms was a disadvantage to the people who didn't have to see it. ..Basically, will stuff like sandstorms and other weather effects exist (and be permanently turned on for all player)?

    Matt: We've got a really cool weather system design, I'm hoping we can squeeze it in for launch. Gameplay affecting things like volumetric fog/clouds shouldn't be able to be toggled.

    Q: n regard to number 7

    I understand the points you make, but I feel you are underestimating the player base with that decision. What made the original Planetside great was that your character could be one of those classes specifically or a little bit of each. It was something the old game did well, and what you're planning on implementing, I fell works better for a game of a smaller scale, such as TF2, COD, or Battlefield. This is because in those games, combat remains relatively stagnant; while in PS, the conditions are constantly changing. For instance, the fight can change between short and long distances, vehicle based to indoors, high ground to low ground. In the original PS, you could vary what you did across classes, in order to better fit the situation. Let's once again use the sniper as an example. For a far range battle, you could set up your inventory with a lot of ammo, and no support equipment, since you would have a relative distance between you and your allies. Then, when the battle moves closer, you can switch it out with more support items, and less ammo, maybe ditch a sidearm or something, either way, you could trade off something, in this case ammo, in order to obtain something else, support. The way it seems your taking the game is that, you are what class you are, so be it.

    Now, in regards to the "helps players understand their purpose a bit better." In the first game, you made your purpose; there was no reason to fence you into a specific thing, and their shouldn't be now unless you feel the player base is incapable of deciding their best play style, or that the game would become too unbalanced as a result of someone being able to snipe you and heal their teammate. Anyway, I'm not saying that implementing a COD/Halo/Battlefield system will not work, but just pointing out, the old game had a really good open system.

    Matt: What you're describing is basically what we're doing. You can switch classes, loadouts, etc situationally. Either when you respawn or at equipment terminals.

    I agree the ps1 had a great system, we're definitely keeping the spirit of that system in ps2. What you won't have is a dude that looks like a medic rolling around with a rocket launcher, or a light assault dude with a jump jet who also can use a chaingun. We're offering a lot of cool, divergent gameplay styles that in a completely freeform style system would be way, way too easy to stack and exploit.

    Q: Can you confirm that there will not be face blood splatters ala Call of Duty?

    Matt: you guys don't like the strawberry jam???

    Q: If I have heavy assault(example) will I be able to heal myself at all, or am I 100% dependent on a medic / engineer??

    Matt: you'll probably have at least some capacity to heal yourself, but this is something we're actively designing and iterating at the moment.

  7. kein 3rd person view :/

    Zumindest als Infantry nicht ja...und das ist auch gut so. Das ganze Wallhumping war doch einfach nur lame, und man würde damit ne größere Zielgruppe verprellen wenn es drinn bleibt.

    Mir machen die Jetpacks eher Sorgen..wenn sie wirklich für jeden kommen sollen. Interessant ist allerdings das es diesmal 3rd Party Anti-Cheat Maßnahmen geben wird und das Spiel (angeblich) nicht ganz so Ping intensiv werden wird wie der 1 Teil.

    Abwarten und Gal trinken 8(

  8. Next, he talked about servers and populations. Planetside 2 will have multiple servers, in order to support the size of the playerbase on the world map. He also said they don't want players to be able to create characters from different factions and be able to listen in on the enemy. Players will be able to play multiple factions, but they'll have to do it on separate servers.



    Das ging mir so gegen den Strich die ganzen Empire Hopper

  9. Hab nur die Befürchtung das die Zeiten, mit dem ein BR1 einen BR20 mit Skill umnieten kann, gefährdet sein könnten. Je nachdem, wie stark diese Specials sind.

    The skills tree is extensive, to say the least – Higby mentions thousands of skills. “Every vehicle will have its own skill tree, every weapon will have its own skill tree. You’ll be able to completely customise your soldier to the exact playstyle you want”. Squad leaders will retain their separate advancement tree, allowing them to command larger groups, whilst outfits will both be able to specialise further and customise their appearance. Higby envisages a purpose-built outfit for air cavalry with customised reapers and bonuses to air combat, or armour outfits so that “if you see these guys coming over a hill in customised prowlers, you’ll know who they are.”

    Its a DRUCKWELLE Gal incoming...take cover !!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

  10. Abwarten..ich denke das mit dem Klassensystem wird ein wenig überbewertet.

    Das Dev Panel heute wird hoffentlich etwas licht darauf werfen, da die Stärke von Planetside 1 ja war das ein BR 1 ohne Probleme einen BR 20 töten konnte weil es eben keine Perks / Unlocks gibt die dir massive Vorteile verschaft haben.

    Mir macht das Ressourcensystem was er angesprochen hat eher ein wenig Sorgen :)

    Das Offline Skillsystem a la EVE das er Anspricht..mmm ka ob mir das Gefallen soll.

    Ich vermute das ganze Cert System wird so überarbeitet, das du ähnlich wie in Battlefield die deine Unlocks zusammenbasteln kannst wie du möchtest bzw was deinem Playstyle entspricht.

    Denkbar wäre auch das bestimmte Unlocks andere blocken um zu starke Combos zu verhindern bzw. Spezialisierungen zu fördern wie es ja am Anfang von Planetside auch war als man nur weniger Certpunkte hatte und es wirklich "dedicated Galpiloten, Reaverflieger, Panzerfahrer whatever" hatte.

    Wenn es dem One Man Army Schweizer Taschenmesser Syndrom entgegenwirkt und man wieder stärker als Outfit zusammenarbeiten muss bin ich voll dafür !

  11. PlanetSide 2 is the only first person shooter that delivers truly epic, massive combat on a scale never before seen in stunning, breathtaking detail. Be a part of explosive action in a futuristic world with forces ranging from tactical squads to thousand player armies all taking place in real-time on enormous open-world continents.

    Da bleibt ja noch die Hoffnung das wir die alten Kontinente zurückbekommen !!

    SOE darf / kann Planetside 2 eigentlich nicht verkacken, weil sie sonst gleich den Laden dicht machen können.

    SWG = Abgeschaltet

    DCU = Kaum noch Spieler

    PS1 = Nicht der Rede Wert

    Lego MMO = eher fail ?

    Everquest 1/2 = Ihren Peak längst überschritten

    Bin jedenfalls gespannt was da kommt am Freitag !!

  12. Spontan fallen mir auch nur 2 weitere gute, kommerzielle Entwickler ein: Unknown Worlds (NS2) und die Leute hinter Savage 2.

    Ich würde noch Valve mit in den Topf werfen. Man mag von Steam halten was man will aber Rückblickend gesehen hat es den digitalen Vertriebsweg erst richtig erschaffen...gerade für die ganzen kleinen Indi Entwickler nicht das schlechteste weil sie damit auch eine Chance am Markt haben.

    Und die Spiele selber waren bisher auch immer Richtungsweisend bzw werden ewig lange Unterstützt von Valve aus mit Mods usw.

  13. Ich glaube (bzw. hoffe!), dass es so bezahlbare features gibt. Zb dass man items von Charakter a auf b bringen kann und da nich extra ein Kumpel helfen muss.

    Vma. auch gerne paar tolle hilfreiche items zum kaufen, solange die nicht imba sind (so eine Dummheit trau ich Blizz aber definitiv NICHT zu^^).

    Ich denke Diablo 3 wird entweder einen Battle.Net Itemshop bekommen oder realtiv zeitnah die DLC Schiene fahren a la 5 Dungeons mehr für 10 Euro oder so....:/

  14. Gerüchteweise kommt es um EA den The Old Republic Release zu verhageln falls Blizzard nicht rechtzeitig einen Major Content Patch rausbringen kann.

    Und das haben sie bisher fast immer gemacht wenn ein "WoW Killer" gestartet ist...schwups eben einen dicken Content Patch auf den Server gehauen.

    Deswegen konnte man auch fast 2 Jahre ICC raiden...der Druck hat gefehlt :smile:

    Weihnachtsgeschäft hat Diablo 3 auch nicht wirklich nötig aber für Activision wäre es sicher "nice to have" falls MW-3 doch massiv abstinken sollte gegen Battlefield 3.

  15. hmm warum wohl hmm hmm.

    das liegt garantiert nicht am release von swtor, nein nein.

    Doch liegt es...Lucasarts hat SOE schon vor einer ganzen Weile die Star Wars Lizenz entzogen also nur logisch das SOE die Server runterfahren muss !!

    Generell wird für viele Entscheidungen bei SWG damals meist nur SOE beschuldigt...das Lucasarts da von hinten Druck gemacht hat wird oft übersehen :lol:

    Wenigstens mehr Entwickler für Planetside 2 !!!

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