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Beiträge erstellt von Chefkoch2k

  1. wie kommt denn das aimen in 3rd person rüber? Ich bin eigentlich ein totaler verfechter von 3rd person shootern. Entweder fps oder gar ned shooter!

    Najo wird so Konsolenstyle sein...also ich mag das nicht so wirklich ;D


    DIe Balance stelle ich mir aber recht schwer vor bei den extrem vielen Möglichkeiten seinen Charakter auszurüsten...war ja bei Planetside erst nach langer langer Zeit halbwegs balanced und da gab es weit weniger Möglichkeiten :)

  2. was mich auch sehr erschreckt, seit PS gabs kein mmo game mehr, das richtige massenfights ermöglichte.

    Certainly Planetside was a gamble, and an enormous technical challenge. “Primarily the problem was scale,” Lawrence continues. “We weren’t going to have just 16 or 32 people slugging it out and treat latency as a ‘tough luck and try logging into another server’ issue. We wanted 500 people in battles.” And this is where it gets a bit technical. “There’s the famous ‘N-squared’ issue, in which logic iterates every player in a list then considers every other player for comparison. For 32 people, that’s 1024 comparisons. For 500, it’s 250,000. What was easily within your CPU budget in a 32-player environment completely falls apart with 500.

    What the game achieved in terms of latency management and server responsiveness, “no other product could do at the time, and most people still can’t do to this day.” It's not immodest of Lawrence to say, “I can still crest a hill in Planetside and see a scene of mayhem and destruction that is unparalleled in other games I play. The sense of being in the middle of a huge war, with everybody there a real person is a unique thing."


    Planetside war eben ein Meilenstein was Technik angeht im MMO Bereich..selbst WoW kackt da extrem ab..siehe Tausendwinter :twisted:

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