Startparameter: -x= Numeric, used to set resolution width -y= Numeric, used to set resolution height -window Displays ArmA windowed instead of full screen -nosplash Disables intro and splash screens -maxmem= Limit memory allocation (in MB) -init= Run scripting command once in the main menu (often used as "-init=playMission[,'M04Saboteur.Sara']" -world= Select a world loaded by default, e.g. -world=Sara -mod= Allows you to subdivide your addons into different folders, folder names separated by semi-colons. See modfolders for more information. -port= Port to host dedicated server on. -password= Password to join dedicated server. -config= Config file for server specific stuff like admin password and mission selection. -host Start a non-dedicated host. -server Start a dedicated server (not needed for a special dedicated server exe). -connect= Client-side, server to connect to. -name= Client-side, User name. -profiles= Alternative placement for per-user content. -netlog Enables ArmA multiplayer network traffic logging -cfg= Selects a config file like your arma.cfg.