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E.T. Quakewars


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Erstes Fazit nach meiner ersten (viel zu späten) Stunde ET:QW:

Gameplay ist nicht so taktisch, wie ich mir das vorgestellt hatte. Definitiv schneller als Battlefield, aber schliesslich heisst es ja auch Quakewars. Infantrie rennt fast genausoschnell wie die Fahrzeuge. Aber dafür gibt es Jetpacks! :yeah:

Die Megatexture sieht erwartungsgemäß genial aus, bei mir läufts in 16:10 Modus mit allen Details wunderbar.

Ich kann den Feierabend kaum erwarten ^^

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Bei mir läuft das Spiel in 1920x1200 mit 4AA nie unter 30fps mit ner 7900gx2. Settings alles auf High. Net schlecht was Id Software performance mäßig abgeliefert hat. Hoffe am Netcode wird noch gefeilt, die Bewegung der Spieler beim Rennen ist noch arg lagy.

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es gibt nen Befehl, womit man die Frames Beschränkung aufheben kann dann läuft es richtig rund.


The most important thing to maintaining the perception of as game being smooth is a constant, consistently spaced framerate. I'm sure many of you have played console games - you'll have noticed that a game feels dead smooth until you get "hitches", happening in intense periods of activity, that make the game no longer feel smooth. These happen when the game can't achieve its target framerate (eg 30fps on NTSC) and drops a frame, momentarily going at 15fps. It usually feels better for a game to run at a constant 30fps than at 60fps but regularly dropping to 30fps.

The game (and physics) runs at 30fps, so the rendering also runs at 30fps unless it is unlocked from the game framerate.

There is a cvar - com_unlockFPS - which enables you to unlock the game and the renderer to some extent. This allows the renderer to draw more frames than just the 30fps.


There are several cvars that can be modified to adjust how the unlocking behaves. Note that none of these are a universal solution - it is a heavily subjective thing, and depends a lot upon your hardware and software. Warning: This is a fairly technical explanation. I've tried to keep it pretty understandable.

com_unlockFPS - this is the master cvar. If you do not set this to '1' then it will never attempt to exceed 30fps.

com_unlock_timingMethod - this selects one of three timing methods for unlocked frames:

0: This will try rendering another frame whenever it estimates it has enough time left for rendering before the next game frame is done. This will give you the highest possible framerate, however it can lead to frame "bunching". To many (including myself) this feels really jerky - 200fps in the best case is no good if its regularly dropping to 60fps.

1: This is similar to method 0, but instead of squeezing in rendering whenever it can it tries to space them at even multiples of 30fps. This is a slight improvement over method zero in terms of smoothness, but sacrifices some FPS.

2: This is the same as method 1, but instead of estimating if it can fit another rendering frame using only the render time estimate it estimates using the total time of game + renderer. Hypothetical explanation: Lets say the time between two game frames was meant to be 10ms. Game + render time takes 5ms, leaving 5ms left. Rendering only took 2.5ms. Method zero would then render two more graphical frames before the next game frame - in effect feeling like the game should be running at 400fps but dropping a frame every 10ms, giving it a jerky feel. With this method it would only draw a single extra frame so it wouldn't feel sporadic. You'd only get 200ms however.

com_unlock_maxFPS - this only does anything if com_unlock_timingMethod is set to 1 or 2. This limits the maximum fps your PC will try to achieve. This will be rounded to the next lowest multiple of 30 - eg if you set this to 59 it will in effect be treating the maximum as 30. This helps to control the fluctuation sometimes prevalent.

There are a couple of other tuning cvars but those shouldn't really need much tweaking. com_unlock_safetyMargin adjusts how conservative the estimation is, and com_unlock_avgFrames is there to help ignore spikes & troughs in the estimation. The defaults of these should be fine for most people.


The defaults are to unlock the FPS, with a maxFPS of 60 and timing method 2. This basically means that if your system is fast enough to exceed 60fps all the time then it will do a constant 60fps. If your system isn't fast enough to exceed 60fps at all times then it will fluctuate between 30 and 60fps. Lower end systems may well be unable to exceed 30fps most of the time - for these people you are probably best off disabling unlockFPS and satisfying yourself with a smooth 30fps. You can try to increase your FPS by lowering the graphics resolution & quality settings. A lot of middle-of-the-range systems can probably achieve a pretty regular 60fps with some tweaking here.

If you have a really good system you can probably do better than 60fps - in that case try increasing your maxFPS. I find that on my dev system here (2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 7800GT, 2gig ram) I can do 90fps pretty constantly, so I have mine set to 90. You'll need to experiment a bit to find a level of this that doesn't fluctuate too much for your liking.

If the only thing you care about is the absolute maximum FPS then try setting com_unlock_timingMethod to zero! This is highly unlikely to feel smooth, but again it is totally subjective. Whatever floats your boat, hey


Anderes Problem:

Der Ingame Browser zeigt mir immer:

Server 213 Hiden 213 an ergo ich sehe nix :mad: An den Filtern rumschrauben hilft auch net wirklich.

Jemand ne Idee ?

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Der Ingame Browser zeigt mir immer:

Server 213 Hiden 213 an ergo ich sehe nix :mad: An den Filtern rumschrauben hilft auch net wirklich.

Jemand ne Idee ?

Am besten du machst mal nen Screenshot, ich vermute aber mal nen falsch gesetzten Haken irgendwo (okok, das hilft dir wohl nicht weiter) ^^

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