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MMO: HG:L - Patch 0.1 und Abo-System

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Geschrieben von Caramia

Am heutigen Morgen (6-9 Uhr PST) wird es den Patch 0.1 für HG:L geben. Dieser soll ein Event mit Namen "Guy Fawkes Day" starten. Was der Patch noch mit sich bringt könnt ihr weiter unten erfahren. Zudem gibt es nach dem vermurksten Start nun auch ein Abo-System das funktioniert.Allerdings wird man vorerst nur mit Kreditkarte zahlen können, ein PayPal oder "Pay by Cash"-Systeme ist allerdings in Planung. Ihr solltet noch wissen, dass US-Abo gilt nur für US-Server, ein EU-Abo nur für EU-Server. Bedenkt dies bevor ihr Geld für das falsche Abo zahlt.

Patch 0.1:

WWorld Events

  • The All Hallows’ Eve event has ended. Halloween item drops and quests are no longer available, although all the goodies still work. If you have Candy, All Hallows Visage, or Zombot – they are yours! NOTE: If you have the plans and parts to construct a Zombot but have not yet done so, the recipe is still active.


  • Many new UI sounds for better feedback.
  • Elite Mode button now lights up only when a player has completed the main storyline.
  • Added a queuing system to the request dialog to better handle concurrent party, duel, trade, and guild requests from other players.
  • New Account Information in the Options menu.
  • Character’s level now properly displays after they join a guild
  • Party members are now always displayed in the Party UI regardless of how far apart they are, as long as the characters are in the same area / level.
  • New error message/sound when a character attempts to purchase an item without enough gold or room in their inventory.


  • Overall memory usage improved, especially in Stations. This increases client stability, reducing “memory exhausted” crash issues.

Skills - Not many balance changes – mostly bugs.


  • Prayer of Healing cannot be used while poisoned.


  • Surge of Speed effects do not stack with Adrenaline boosts.


  • The Summon Reaper cool down is now fixed and independent of other Minions.


  • Escape displays its rate of use.


  • Drones stats/items now save on logout.
  • Drones now properly receive Armor and Shields when equipped with armor using the Armor Retrofit skill.
  • Improvements to Haste Bot per-level effects.
  • Molotov Assault now has a splash damage component in addition to its field effect.


  • PDA quest item can now be picked up.
  • Camera and UI modes only change for the player commanding the RTS quest rather than all party members.


  • Dual Focus and Dual Melee affixes no longer spawn. This also addresses edge-case bugs associated with dual wield weapons rarely disappearing.
  • Rebalanced Health and Power regeneration affixes.


  • Addressed numerous sync issues with Ravagers.
  • More chests have been added to the Underground Cave passage set.


  • Random recipes (including those found at Crafters) no longer produce Unique items.
  • Slightly increased character damage in Elite Mode.

Special Subscriber Features

Here’s a host of explosive features for our subscription members.

Themed Events and Items

Special storylines, quests, NPCs and events designed to celebrate special seasons or provide different themed challenges. Some of these take place every so often, while others only happen at a specific time of year.

Guy Fawkes (November 5 – November 11)

  • Nemo, Master of Festivities - He has moved to his permanent home inside Templar Base with several surprises for adventurous souls.
  • Guy Fawkes Quests -There are bigger demons out there, and perhaps they’re being drawn to the flames that erupt on Bonfire night. Track down a series of named monstrosities and explore new areas as you seek to keep these horrors at bay.
  • Bonfire Nightmares - Parts of the city have been made even more fiery than usual by the culmination of increased demonic activity and the explosive nature of the times. Keep an eye out for these rare locations.
  • Grenades - What would this celebration be without explosions? Lots of explosions… so many, in fact, that everyone gets in on the fun of hurling the Marksman’s staple – Grenades. Now, imagine what else you could do with them…
  • Guy Fawkes Recipes - Making things is a big part of the remembrance of Guy Fawkes for the survivors in London. The ingenuity of Guy Fawkes is represented in the numerous recipes and schematics that crop up during this time.
  • Guy Fawkes Treats – Bonfire Toffee, Toffee Apples, Baked Potatoes – all of the expected foodstuffs (and more) to keep winter’s chill at bay and bolster characters with a wide variety of beneficial boosts.
  • Fawkes’ Flameguards - Handling explosives can be tricky, so you’ll want to make sure to find the right pair of gloves to keep your hands safe and sound.
  • The Legacy of Guy Fawkes - The Techsmiths have been busier than usual, so you’ll never know when gear might drop that has a thematic tie to the celebration.


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