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Beiträge erstellt von Chefkoch2k

  1. Sieht interessant aus keine Frage..aber Games for Windows Live ist für mich ein No-Go. Das ist echt der letzte Rotz als DRM vor allem bei einem Steam Titel mal total überflüssig, da Steam selber schon DRM ist !

    Könnte echt kotzen wenn Steam only Titel immer noch einen 3rd Party DRM haben. Wenn das irgendwann per Update entfernt wird würde ich es mir kaufen.

  2. als Neuling haste das gleiche Probleme wie in allen Spielen mit diesem System, du hast kaum ne Chance gegen High Level Spieler, da kommen welche mit der SCAR an, mit sonstwas für Enhancements und drücken dir 2 Kugeln rein und du fällst um auf über nen km Distanz. Da sieht man als Level 8 Spieler nicht wirklich Land :)

    Deswegen Planetside > All !!!

    Da war ein höhere lvl im Grund nur mehr Optionen aber nicht "meine Perks machen dich fertig Noob".

    Selbst die einzigen lvl-Vorteile der Implantate konnte man durch eine einfach EMP Granate ausschalten :mrgreen:

  3. Ein wenig bla bla aus dem Off.Forum von Virrago

    Unfortunately, we can't release as much detail as we'd like too. From Brasse's message that stated a Producer Letter was coming: "while most of this development is still highly classified, we hope to bring you at least a few words from the Producer next week"

    As soon as Andy can release more info we will post it. As he said, "Over the coming weeks and months, you can expect to receive a lot more detail about what we have in-store for PSNext."

    It wasn't the "big thing" that was supposed to come in March, that was unfortunately delayed. This Producer Letter was mostly to inform everyone that we were still developing the next version of PlanetSide after our company wide restructuring. Instead of remaining quiet and letting you guys wonder if we were or not, we felt a Producer Letter would be the best option, even though most of the details is still classified.
    Until we are ready it is basically because of this. More information will come, a trickle at first, believe me, I'm just as eager to start releasing the information as you guys are at getting it.
  4. Also Coop ist echt lustig ohne Ende..gestern mit Grimari ein wenig gezockt. Man steht teilweise echt auf dem Schlauch ;)

    Aber die Kommentare von Glados sind echt genial ! Der Ingame Voice ist auch erstaunlich gut finde ich.

  5. Looking back through the archives, it’s been a while since we’ve done a proper Planetside Producer letter, so let’s get rolling!

    Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Andrew Sites and about a month ago I joined the Planetside Next development team as the Executive Producer. While I may be new to Planetside, I’ve been around the block a few times here at Sony Online. I’ve worked in production on several SOE projects, including EverQuest, EverQuest II, Free Realms and most recently was the EP on Clone Wars Adventures. But enough about me, let’s talk about Planetside.

    While combing through the Planetside forums, I can see that you’re not just amped about the promise of a sequel being developed, but even more so, you want some details. With Planetside now approaching its 8 year anniversary, it’s still easy to look back and see just how it set the bar for Massively Multiplayer FPS games. It was fun, fast-paced and most importantly, it offered truly MASSIVE FPS combat that hasn’t been recreated since. When we started designing Planetside Next, our goal was to build upon the original foundational elements that made it unique, while focusing heavily on the large-scale combat that set it apart from the competition. We’ve got some big shoes to fill, but as we begin unveiling the details, I think you’re going to be VERY excited to see what we have planned.

    As you know, Planetside Next was announced by Smed via Twitter about a year and a half ago. Since then, the development team has been pining away on a new graphics engine, building art assets and designing new content. To support our ongoing development efforts, the team has increased in size significantly over the past several weeks. We’ve also brought back several team members from the original Planetside art, design and code team, as well as a ton of other talented, experienced MMO and FPS developers – many of whom I will begin introducing to you in my next update.

    To say that the team and I are excited would be an understatement. Over the coming weeks and months, you can expect to receive a lot more detail about what we have in-store for PSNext. Much of this information will be presented to the PS community exclusively, because frankly, if your passion for the original didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be typing this.

    Planetside set the bar for the Massively Multiplayer FPS market 8 year ago and we look forward to setting it again.

    Sneak Peak von PSU ^^

  6. Es waren 166 pro Fraktion. Die 1000 wollten sie mal auf dem Testserver ausprobieren. Waren aber "nur" etwas über 800


    If I recall correctly, a programmer once said that the largest population on one continent (planet) was around 1,000.
    When they added the 500 pop-limit, the original design was that two empires could have up to half the pop. So Vanu could have 250, TR could have 200, and NC could have 50. If TR then took the other 50, the NC couldnt enter the continent.
    The original pops were based on percentages. It was 50%, 40%, and then 10% for home conts favoring the defenders. Non-home conts were 40%vs 40$ vs 20% or near abouts.

    Das mit den Prozenten erinnere ich mich auch noch, man hatte quasi ne Garantie immer auf seinen Homecont zu kommen.


    Wie auch immer Planetside Next wird das hoffentlich noch steigern.

  7. Kannst du mal bitte eine Quelle geben für genau diese Zahl? Weil 333 scheint mir für ein Empire viel zu hoch gegriffen und für alle 3 Empire bei weitem zu niedrig. Aus der Beta ist mir kein Poplock bekannt aber da kann die Erinnerung trügen.
    They need to make it a pop of like 333 per side again like it was originally.


    Suche noch nach Off.Quellen

  8. oh oh...

    Mm ich denke mal er spielt auf das Implantet System an welches vermutlich ausgebaut wird aber hoffentlich nicht zu krasse Vorteile haben wird wie das jetztige mit Lamer Shild & Co.

    Es sollte weiter so sein, das jeder jeden schlagen kann unabhängig vom Level. Ein höheres lvl sollte nur mehr Optionen bieten was Waffen, Fahrzeuge usw angeht aber mehr nicht.

    Bin am meisten gespannt wie das mit den Outfits wird, weil seien wir ehrlich Planetside ist ja einer der wenigen Ego-Shooter wo man Ingame einen Clan hat ;D

    Planetside IS a massively multiplayer game. That's what makes us different than Battlefield 3 ( which looks awesome btw). You wont see fighting on the scale we are going to offer anywhere else period. Not even close.

    Ich hoffe mal das sie mindestens auf die Zahlen vom alten Planetside kommen direkt nach Release sprich 333er Poplocks oder so.

  9. What I have been trying to do is to keep the folks at PSU updated because you guys are the most loyal Planetside fans. Ive released stuff ahead of any marketing or PR push. Recently ( a few weeks ago actually) we made the call to update the game to a new internally developed engine. Doing that meant delaying the game, but we thought it was in the best interests of Planetside Next. It also means delaying releasing further info for a little while. I will let you all know more when we firm up the schedule. The likely next step is a larger scale release of information and the beta signups going up. As I've said previously current Planetside subs will be included automatically.

    Normally when we do game announcements we do a much bigger concerted information push all at once and these kind of one off posts don't happen. In this case I feel like the Planetside audience has hung in with us for a long time and I really want to involve you all more in advance of the official info. However what happens is everything gets carried across the net and the actual info gets changed. I'm sorry for that happening. We will do our best to keep you informed early. But that necessarily means that sometimes when things change you have to be ready for that too.



    Mmm also neue Interne Engine ^^

  10. We wanted to share this information with you all directly, rather than having you read about it on another site. What does this news mean for the squads of seasoned fighters in PlanetSide? There are few occasions when we see Vanu, NC and Terran all aligned in game, but we see it every day when we come to the PS forums or read about your campaigns in blogs, videos and other sites. We are listening; the community’s long-term and unflagging support of PlanetSide has ensured that it is one of the franchises that SOE will focus on going forward. I know that you’ve all seen a few cryptic and veiled messaged here and there regarding a new evolution of the game… while most of this development is still highly classified, we hope to bring you at least a few words from the Producer next week to whet your appetite and anticipation for the future.

    ~Linda “Brasse” Carlson

    Director, Global Community Relation


    Mal gucken was sie dann nächste Wochen ankündigen...ich hoffe mal vergeblich auf einen Closed Beta Start \\:D/

  11. “As part of a strategic decision to reduce costs and streamline its global workforce, SOE announced today that it will eliminate 205 positions and close its Denver, Seattle and Tucson studios. As part of this restructuring, SOE is discontinuing production of The Agency so it can focus development resources on delivering two new MMOs based on its renowned PlanetSide and EverQuest properties, while also maintaining its current portfolio of online games. All possible steps are being taken to ensure team members affected by the transition are treated with appropriate concern.

    This strategic decision will have no impact on SOE’s current portfolio of live games; additionally SOE will transition development efforts for the Denver and Tucson studios’ suite of products to its San Diego headquarters. This strategic alignment of development resources better positions SOE to remain a global leader in online gaming and deliver on its promise of creating entertaining games for players of all ages, and servicing the 20 million players that visited SOE servers in just the past year.”

    Yes yes..mehr Leute die an Planetside arbeiten, muss ja nix schlechtes bedeuten ! The Agency war eh total komisch vom Ansatz her -.-




    - A DemoURL can now be specified in the server playlist, this is used to indicate the location of stored demo files to user’s in-game (see the multiplayer options screen). A good practice for server admins would be to share the demo folder via FTP, this would allow users to grab demos of games they starred in, and also (very importantly!) allow users and anti-cheat authorities to download evidence for cheat reporting. Incidentally, it is now possible to dump all users unique steamID's from both in-game, and in-demos to the console or text file (this will make reporting abusive players and enforcing bans incredibly easy).

    Improved Squad Based Gameplay

    - Players will now re-spawn at a point nearest to the closest member of their squad.

    - Squad mates will now be colored blue on the mini-map and full-screen maps.


    - RPG's now deal additional damage to HMMWV's

    - Lowered m200 and m110 sniper rifle damages. The only 1 shot possible is now headshots.

    - Flak jacket now has a lower BP cost, and a slight effectiveness buff.

    - Diablo damage adjusted

    - Weapon is taken out of ADS and accuracy decreases when jumping.


    - The Rhino drones weapon attachment was not being properly moved with the Rhino drone on dedicated servers, causing the rockets to fire incorrectly. This is now fixed.

    - We have added some animation optimizations for large player games.

    - Several UI related improvements were added for large player games .

    - Fixed scaling text zooming on Battle Commander when opening up the battle chat or squad UI.

    - Switched the buttons around on the load out rename confirmation dialog to better abide by conventions.

    - Improved SLI/CrossFireX support.

    - A few reported issues with WinXP 64 bit edition have been addressed.

    - Improved menu navigation with analogue controls.

    General Improvements

    - User feedback for kicks and bans has been improved.

    - The intermission lobby now displays clan tags.

    - Text chat is now possible in the kill cam, spawn selection, and intermission lobby screens.

    New Settings & Control Options

    - EnableD3D10/11 is now accessible via the system settings menu.

    - Mouse acceleration is now accessible via the controls menu.

    - Mouse smoothing is now accessible via the controls menu.


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