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Änderungen an den XP und neue Sets im nächsten "Major" Patch

Empfohlene Beiträge

Aus dem Konsolen-AMA auf Reddit von gestern:

"We are aware of balance concerns from players with more champion points. As Phil mentioned the system was designed to help keep players closer in power level with diminishing returns and enlightenment bonus XP. In the future we can implement catchup mechanics so the first 400 champion ranks require less experience, helping get new players catch up.

In terms of XP, we're actually buffing for some areas in the next major update. Specifically public dungeons and craglorn are being increased. Additionally we're increasing the XP that veteran level quests give so there's more of a parity between gains between questers and grinders. Lastly we're reducing the amount of XP required to get a veteran rank so players can get to the max level content sooner."

Dann werde ich meinen Sorc bis dahin erstmal einmotten, sehe ja gar nicht ein jetzt VR1-14 zu leven wenn das in 2 Monaten dann bald einfacher wird.

Da farme ich jetzt lieber Gold und AP für neue Sets, die auch bald kommen werden:

"To answer the itemization question: We have done a lot of work to make the itemization fun and exciting in the next major update. There are lots of cool unique sets for players to chase after in multiple different areas. We're doing extensive balance work to make sure they all give competitive bonuses instead of the current paradigm where everyone just chases the few uber powerful sets. This will allow players to customize sets to their playstyle instead of just getting whatever adds the most damage.

Additionally the new content has a short term and a long term item chase as well. To go hand in hand with that the power spike on the new items is bigger, so players are more rewarded for upgrading their gear."

"For the next major update you'll see a lot of cool customization options with all the crazy new item sets. For example we've got one that will have you running around chasing orbs for bonus damage, or additional attacks vs targets with damage shields."

Alles in allem: Es tut sich was! ;)

Das sind schonmal mehr Infos als wir die letzten 6 Monate insgesamt zur Zukunft bekommen haben...

Bearbeitet von Legedric
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Gast Masterkon

Hauptsache das kommt auch .. und nicht wie mit der Kaiserstadt zur 2014er GMESCOM ...das kommt jetzt bald ...blah blah ...guck trailer an .... blah und nichts geht vorran....

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Bin gespannt was da an Sets kommt. "This will allow players to customize sets to their playstyle instead of just getting whatever adds the most damage. Additionally the new content has a short term and a long term item chase as well. To go hand in hand with that the power spike on the new items is bigger, so players are more rewarded for upgrading their gear." Da müssen die aber ordentlich was raushauen, wenn es tatsächlich ne Alternative sein soll zu +dmg stacken^^

Und diese "power spike on the new items", weiß nicht was ich mir da drunter vorstellen soll.

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