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Armed Assault (Flashpoint 2)


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hab heute das zeugs für meinen pc bekommen :)

werd das heute noch zusammenbauen und installieren (sofern ich endlihc mal aus der arbeit wegkomme ;) )

dann mal üben dann wär ich für gegen coop auch nicht abgeneigt :)

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Wie schauts aus, wollen wir uns mal zu einer gemeinsamen Coop Mission zusammen finden? SlimShady hat da was bissl zusammengebastelt, so das man repawnen kann.

Nu schlag endlich mal einen Termin vor, damit wir uns hier auf was einigen können!

Erst heiss machen und dann nen Rückzieher, das hab ich gern ;)

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Nun ich hab schon n paar Coops am wickel aber kein rootserver wo Arma gehostet werden kann :oops:

und die Arma-ded-serversoftware gibts im mom nur für winserver aber auch eine möglichkeit alles uffn linux-root zum laufen zubringen

siehe hier : http://www.forum.german-gamers-club.eu/showthread.php?t=2254

nun dann ... n versuch is es wert.... wenn der server steht kann ich die Maps liefern :yeah:

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Patch 1.02 DEUTSCH (106 MB):

armed-assault.net Arma_GermanPatch_102.zip 108.51M

morphiconftp.de Arma_GermanPatch_102.zip 108.51M

www.bis-ingame.net Arma_GermanPatch_102.zip 108.51M

www.arma-liga.de Arma_GermanPatch_102.zip 108.51M

www.armedassault.info Arma_GermanPatch_102.zip 108.51M


*** 1.01, 1.02


- Significantly improved general performance of the German version

- Improved performance on shading detail and texture detail very low

- Optimized grass implementation

- Fixed bug in texture management: All textures could have been thrown away under certain conditions

Stability and Security:

- Some crash opportunities in multiplayer fixed.

- Crash when out of videomemory fixed

- Removed function exportLandscapeXYZ


- Pathfinding improvements

- Combat reaction improvements


- Dedicated server related improvements

- Netcode optimizations


- Improved missions endings in various conditions

- Fixed mission duration info


- Helicopter controlls reworked



1.02 - Fixed: Parameters set when creating a new profile was not saved

1.02 - Fixed: User profile ending with the period character was handled


1.02 - Fixed: Improved helicopter controls and flight model.

1.02 - Fixed: Dedicated server crash

1.02 - Fixed: Random crashes in MP

1.02 - Fixed: Default profile cannot be deleted nor renamed now

1.02 - Fixed: Rename of profile work correctly now

1.02 - Fixed: Stealing gear from medics was possible

1.02 - New: Joystick sensitivity configurable in ArmAProfile file.

Configuration is done per positive/negative part of each axis.

Default is:




1.02 - Fixed: MP server crash (sometimes after JIP client disconnected)

1.02 - Fixed: Squad logo was not shown on all clients in MP

1.02 - Fixed: Normal maps need not to be thrown away in LowEnd quality

settings after restarting the game

1.02 - Fixed: Dedicated server required OpenAL32.dll

1.02 - Fixed: AI are better planning the path over the bridge

1.02 - Fixed: Player with no legs gets no longer stuck in up/down limbo

1.02 - Fixed: Plane mouse control do not affect cyclic while looking around

1.02 - Fixed: "life" cheat (immortality) disabled in Retail versions

1.02 - Fixed: Boats were able to drive on shore quite fast.

1.02 - Fixed: Boats were able to sink into the terrain once destroyed.

1.02 - Fixed: (Car) Camera height angle is reset going from external to

internal view or vice versa

1.02 - Fixed: AI pathfinding improved (unexpected leaving of roads will

happen less frequently)

1.02 - New: Config switch to disable "Voice over Net" on dedicated

servers (disableVoN=0wink_o.gif

1.02 - Fixed: Car-ground collision response improved.

1.02 - Fixed: Cars simulation - better speed stability when low speed


1.02 - Fixed: Wake up object physics after setVector/setVectorUp.

1.02 - Fixed: Injured soldier is forced to prone only when he wants to

move (done to fix RPG soldier ability to run even when injured)

1.02 - New: Headlights are now not switched when player leaves the vehicle.

1.02 - Fixed: Command line options -world, -noland and -netlog enabled.

1.02 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled with keyboard while looking

around using a mouse.

1.02 - Fixed: Peeking through walls using leaning is no longer possible.

1.02 - Changed: Helicopter autohover default binding changed to

double backslash key to improve A/S/D/W precision.

1.02 - New: Added manual fire default binding to ' (apostrophe) key.

1.02 - Fixed: False conflict reported for Handgun, Salute and

SitDown actions for vehicles.

1.01 - New: Support for improved UI in dialogs during joining to

dedicated server

1.01 - Changed: normal maps are not used when using "shading quality"

"very low"

1.01 - Improved: AI pathfinding failing less often now

1.01 - Removed: function exportLandscapeXYZ

1.01 - Fixed: Tonemapping was not involved in the flare color calculation

1.01 - Fixed: NULL RT texture can be created now if possible as a shadow

buffer resource - it will save some video RAM when using nVidia SB technique

1.01 - Fixed: 1x1 texture is created now as a shadow buffer resource,

when using retail version of the DX - it will save some video RAM when

using nVidia or ATI SB techniques

1.01 - Fixed: Fixed bug in texture management. All textures could have

been thrown away under certain conditions

1.01 - Fixed: crash when out of videomemory

1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not react to change formation command

1.01 - Fixed: AI more actively scanning visually for enemy when his

position is not known.

1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes planned path through walls

1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not found path around mountains

1.01 - Fixed: Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.'

1.01 - Fixed: Dedicated server can retranslate Voice Over Net packets

1.01 - Fixed: Possible crash when exiting multiplayer game.

1.01 - Fixed: Possible crash when hosting MP session

1.01 - Fixed: LOD selection for clutters was not working properly

1.01 - Fixed: Very low shading quality settings now invoke usage of very

cheap shader for trees

1.01 - Fixed: Display for mission selecting / voting on dedicated server

- mission list fixed

1.01 - Fixed: Crash in multiplayer lobby screen

1.01 - Fixed: Debriefing - mission duration info was wrong in campaign

1.01 - Fixed: Command interface, with ALT held should move cursor

1.01 - Fixed: Improved AI reaction to soldier being hit nearby.

1.01 - Fixed: Improved AI reaction to friendly units observed being killed.

1.01 - Fixed: AI reaction improved for enemies disembarking vehicles.

1.01 - Fixed: Unicode used for dedicated server console output.

1.01 - Fixed: Unicode used for debugger output (OutputDebugString)

==Version 1.02==


1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.

1.02 - AH-6 sound occlusion changed


1.02 - Pistol moves improved

1.02 - Evasive forward with launchers improved

1.02 - Launcher reload time increased to 4 seconds


1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several buildings.


1.02 - Fixed syntax in ColorCoef[]


1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several characters.

1.02 - Fixed wound definition for Fieldreporter

1.02 - Fixed wrong respawn weapons on SoldierWAT

1.02 - Soldiers have now 12 main and 8 side item pockets

1.02 - Grenadiers carry now 8 grenades


1.02 - Fixed various model issues.


1.02 - Fixed various model issues.


1.02 - Adjustments of object placements


1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in M113

1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.

1.02 - Lense flare removed from M113


1.02 - Added interface of dedicated server voting screen

1.02 - Fixed lenght of player's name field


1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in Zodiak and PBX

1.02 - Lense flare removed from RHIB weapons [[user:Rastavovich|Rastavovich]]


1.02 - Fixed ironsights.

1.02 - modified recoil for M249 on ground

1.02 - Lense flare removed from all vehicles that should not have it

1.02 - Improved guided missiles and rocket behaviour

1.02 - KVPT shoots now from turret

1.02 - Fixed AK74 ammo is not silenced to AI anymore


1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in vehicles.

1.02 - Updated armor settings for military wheeled vehicles.

1.02 - Lense flare removed from all vehicles that should not have it

1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.

1.02 - Several campaign missions improved.

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Falls euch Kriegs-Simulationen (Betonung auf Simulation) interessieren, kann ich euch das einzige MMOFPS (Planetside ordne ich definitv in den Action-Taktik-Bereich ein und war auch erst viel später released worden) dazu empfehlen: World War 2 Online.

Ist zwar ein PayToPlay-Game (monatlicher Beitrag), aber ihr könnt gleich mit einem Monatsbeitrag einsteigen oder evtl. einen Trialaccount ergattern. Ein paar ältere Forumthreads hierzu findet ihr hier:



Wenn ihr weiteres Interesse an dem Game habt, meldet euch hier:


Das Wolfsrudel kann ich empfehlen, da war ich Gründungsmitglied ;)

Eine andere deutsche Seite wäre noch:


Und zu guter letzt noch zwei sehr aktuelle Gametests:



Huhu ich bin bei der 7. ID *g*

Hab selber ArmA mir besorgt und bin recht angetan von dem Game.

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Huhu ich bin bei der 7. ID *g*

Die Welt ist klein, die sind ja unser Partnersquad (gewesen? Bin da nicht mehr auf dem aktuellen Stand).

Spielst du noch aktiv?


Seht mal zu, ihr müsst nur mal ein Datum durchgeben ^^

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Also die geliebte CTI is in arbeit....

Zwischenbericht aus dem offz. deut. Arma-Forum

Jack Hammersmith user_offline.gif

Neuer Benutzer

Registriert seit: 30. November 2006

Beiträge: 19


Kleiner Statusreport zur crcti.

Sie läuft jetzt und wird zur Zeit optimiert.

Sitze im Moment daran die sqs Scripts in sqf execVm umzuschreiben.

Läuft alles soweit recht gut und die CTI wird immer stabiler.

Zur Zeit Teste ich die Map auf Bugs um sie an den offiziellen SWEC Member weiterzugeben.

Dieser sitzt auch schon an der Join in Progress implementation, wobei es aber noch sehr lange dauern kann bis eine releasefertige Version zustande kommt.

Zum Playtest kann ich nur sagen, dass es mir im Moment nicht möglich ist die Version an Publics weiterzugeben, da ich damit schlechte Erfahrung gemacht habe.mad.gif

Müsst euch also noch gedulden.

Wird aufjedenfall Hammer. wink.gif

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-x= Numeric, used to set resolution width

-y= Numeric, used to set resolution height

-window Displays ArmA windowed instead of full screen

-nosplash Disables intro and splash screens

-maxmem= Limit memory allocation (in MB)

-init= Run scripting command once in the main menu (often used as


-world= Select a world loaded by default, e.g. -world=Sara

-mod= Allows you to subdivide your addons into different folders,

folder names separated by semi-colons.

See modfolders for more information.

-port= Port to host dedicated server on.

-password= Password to join dedicated server.

-config= Config file for server specific stuff like admin password

and mission selection.

-host Start a non-dedicated host.

-server Start a dedicated server (not needed for a special dedicated server exe).

-connect= Client-side, server to connect to.

-name= Client-side, User name.

-profiles= Alternative placement for per-user content.

-netlog Enables ArmA multiplayer network traffic logging

-cfg= Selects a config file like your arma.cfg.

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  • 3 Wochen später...

ArmA Spy v1.1 (OFP Watch ähnlicher ArmA Launcher)


Download ArmA Spy v1.0 (Aktualisiert automatisch)

Download ArmA Spy Sounds (original)

Download Alternative Sounds (OFP Watch Sounds)

Die gewünschten .wav Dateien einfach in den sounds Ordner des ArmA Spy Verzeichnis' entpacken.

Download Sprachpaket für v1.1

(Englisch, Russisch, Deutsch, Französisch)

Armed Assault Ingame Screenshot


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