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  • Chat Kommandos


    Chat Commands

    Long Short Allies Hostiles Range
    /factionsay /fsay All No All [PTS ONLY ATM]
    /outfitsay /o Outfit only No All
    /platoonsay /p Platoon only No All
    /region /re All No Same hex region
    /reply /r Only named player Only named player All (incl. other servers)
    /say /sa All Yes Very short
    /squadsay /s Squad only No All
    /tell playername /t playername Only named player Only named player Any (incl. other servers)
    /yell /y All Yes 400m

    Other Commands

    Command Effect
    Squad Leader  
    /squad disband Disbands the squad, removing everyone from it. Only works if you are the squad leader.
    /squad invite playername Sends a squad invite to a person named playername.
    /squad kick playername Kicks the person named playername from the squad.
    /squad leave Removes you from the squad.
    /squad promoteme Requests squad lead from current squad leader (bugged)
    Platoon Leader  
    /platoon disband  
    /platoon invitesquad squadleadername Invites whole squad lead by squadleadername into platoon.
    /platoon kicksquad squadleadername Kicks whole squad lead by squadleadername from platoon.
    /bug Opens the player bug reporting submission form.
    /fps Shows the frame counter bottom left.
    /friend add playername Sends a friend request to a person named playername.
    /friend list Lists all friends and their online status.
    /ignore add playername Blocks content from the person named playername.
    /location or /loc Shows values about your current position. Useful if you need to report a continent failure/map bug.
    /outfit invite playername Invites playername to your outfit (if your outfit role allows you to invite people).
    /outfit quit Removes you from your outfit.
    /report Opens the player report submission form. Click last killer to autofill tricky names.
    /suicide Kills you, allowing fast redeployment.

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