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    Term or abbreviation Meaning
    ADAD Spam Repeatedly strafing left and right trying to reduce your attackers aim.
    Airball See Gank Squad
    AMS (Sunderer) Advanced Mobile Station: The passive ability on a Sunderer allowing it to deploy and act as a mobile spawn point. Also used to refer to a vehicle with one equipped.
    AP Armor Piercing. Great against vehicles. Less effective against infantry.
    Ask Auraxis Weekly reddit thread for player questions. History.
    Auraxiuming Making 1160 kills (infantry and vehicle combined) on a single weapon to receive the Auraxium medal (and the 200 cert reward) for it.
    Backcap An enemy force is re-capturing the base you just pushed out from. This may prevent capturing points at your intended target base and may cut your lane off if they succeed.
    Bail Assault Flying ESF with Light Assault class so you can bail, use your jetpack to float while the redeploy timer counts down before hitting the ground, denying the enemy the kill.
    Battlebus A combat focussed Sunderer usually with Blockade Armor, Fire suppression and AV based weaponry (usually Fury or Basilisk) for attacking individual vehicles or infantry clusters.
    Battle Goose The Betelgeuse, the Vanu directive reward LMG received after completing five LMG auraxium medals.
    Battle Rank Rank of a character, from 1-120. Chart of total XP 1-100, or Graphic. Each BR from 100-120 requires an additional 943,448 XP. Chart of total XP 100-120.
    Bolt Baby A low-BR NC infiltrator using the NC14 Bolt Driver, usually without attachments.
    BR see Battle Rank.
    C4 Fairy The Light Assault class equipped with thrusters and explosives.
    Chugging Medkits Using repeated doses of medkits to heal substantial amounts of incoming damage.
    Defensive AMS A Sundy deployed by defenders inside their own base, usually nearer to the cap point than their spawn.
    Dorito The inverted triangle above our heads.
    Double XP Special periods, usually weekends where the base XP gain rate is doubled. Members get one monthly, non members hardly ever see one.
    ES Empire Specific. Faction only weapons.
    ESF Empire Specific Fighter: Reavers (NC), Mosquitoes (TR) and Scythes (VS); costs 350 nanites to spawn
    ESRL Empire Specific Rocket Launcher: Striker, Phoenix and Lancer. HA only.
    Farm Making many kills from a significantly advantageous position, situation or vehicle.
    Flak Nest A static concentration of troops with AA, frequently on high ground, occasionally with co-operating aircraft baiting in enemy.
    Flash Two-person ATV with one driver (with front-facing light AV/AI options) and one rear rumble seat. Costs 50 nanites to spawn.
    Foot Zerg A large rush of infantry running to the next objective.
    Gal Galaxy class flying dropship with space for a pilot and up to 11 troops.
    Gal drop Using a Galaxy to drop a large amount of troops on top of an enemy position/base like paratroopers.
    Gank Squad A glob of faster moving high powered vehicles outnumbering and ambushing prey.
    Ghost cap 1. Flipping a point then exiting the hex leaving the cap to progress without support. Considered unsporting. 2. More recently (since Hex changed to Lattice reducing the options to ghost cap) some now believe it to mean capturing a base uncontested or with a significant overpop.
    HA Heavy Assault (class).
    Harasser Three-person buggy with one driver, one gunner, and one rear-facing rumble seat; costs 150 nanites to spawn.
    Harasserbator Someone who frequently crews the Harasser combat buggy.
    Harassopedia The /r/Harasser sub guide Everything you need to know about Harassers.
    HE High Explosive. Great against infantry. Less effective against vehicles.
    HEAT High Explosive Anti Tank. Ok against armor, Ok against infantry.
    Hex 1. The land area each base sits in defined by its honeycomb like border. 2. Pre-lattice capture rules in place at launch allowing capture of any base with an adjoining border.
    LA Light Assault (class)
    Lane A small multi-base section of the Lattice, usually between two larger bases.
    Lattice Rules governing the order of progression across each continent, seen on the map as lines connecting the bases.
    Lib Liberator gunship (vehicle), costs 450 nanites to spawn.
    Lightning One-man light tank with access to AP, HE, HEAT or C75 Viper (AI/AV weapon) and Skyguard (Mobile AA), costs 350 nanites to spawn.
    LOLpod Underwing ESF rocket pods, named back when they were ridiculously overpowered against unsuspecting infantry.
    MAX Mechanized Assault eXosuit. A powerful mechanised infantry class (costs 450 nanites to equip) with dual weapons (one on each arm) providing AI, AV, or AA options.
    MAX Crash A co-ordinated push led by as many MAX units as possible, usually in an attempt to re-capture an overrun cap point.
    MBT Main Battle Tank: Prowler (TR), Vanguard (NC), Magrider (VS). These have two seats, one driver and one gunner, costs 450 nanites to spawn.
    Medkit Tanking see Chugging Medkits
    Nanites Blue energy resource used to spawn vehicles, MAX and to refill consumable equipment when resupplying at a terminal or redeploying. Items such as C4, Tank mines, AI Mines, Medkits, Grenades etc can be resupplied if you have enough Nanites. Every player gains a minimum of 50 Nanites per minute to a maximum of 750 Nanites.
    No Deploy Zone The circular area around a base where attackers cannot deploy a Sunderer.
    Orphantoon A headless platoon after the original owners leave being kept alive by the default handoffs to people who have no idea, no ability or no wish to issue commands.
    Outfit Clan. Guild.
    Overpop When one faction dominates the other by sheer numbers.
    Pizza Delivery Tank mines 'delivered' to enemy from the back seat of vehicles.
    Planetmans You. Me. Everybody!
    Potato A setup with extremely low graphics settings. Usually seen on low spec PC or to increase framerate beyond Pro gamer levels.
    PTS Public Test Server. Open server with upcoming test builds and devs hosting occasional playtests. Uses a separate Test Client and has frequent updates, mostly tracked on /r/DBGpatchnotes.
    Pub/Pubby Group term for the mass of lower skilled or new players, usually not in an outfit or squad.
    Redeployside Using existing game mechanisms to mass deploy troops from fight to fight to gain the advantage. It can be a controversial subject among the community.
    S-AMS See AMS.
    Scat MAX NC Shotgun MAX
    SCU Spawn Control Unit. Specialised generator preventing infantry from using base spawns when blown.
    Server Smash Ongoing series of inter-server organised battles played on a non-public competition server, run by Planetside Battles.
    Skillsuit Slang term for MAX class.
    Skyguard The four barrel Anti-Air turret option for a Lightning tank.
    Sky Knight An experienced ESF pilot, sometimes used in a negative way.
    Sky Whale Another name for the Galaxy.
    Smedbux A term for Daybreak Cash coined from the name of the original and now Ex-CEO, John Smedley.
    Smurfs New Conglomerate players are referred to as smurfs because of their blue and yellow faction colors.
    Spawn Room Hero Someone cheesing kills from behind the shield with no intention of pushing out.
    Spandex Spandex refers to the skin tight Vanu Sovereignty outfits, sometimes their wearers too.
    SS See Server Smash.
    Steel Rain A group of squad leaders placing beacons at the same time so the entire waiting platoon(s) can drop at once.
    Sundy see Sunderer (vehicle).
    Sunderer 12-man transport vehicle and mobile spawnpoint, costs 200 nanites to spawn. These are usually the main spawnpoints for attacking a base.
    Test Server See PTS.
    Threeway A fight over a base or area involving all three factions.
    Valk see Valkyrie.
    Valkyrie 6-person light transport aircraft with 1 pilot, 1 gunner, and 4 rumble seats, costs 250 nanites to spawn.
    Warpgate The main spawnpoint of your faction on each continent. Each faction has one (the game randomly decides which one when the continent is unlocked) per continent.
    Warpgated Enemy control all three bases around a factions Warpgate preventing base to base spawning up the chain.
    WG see Warpgate.

    The mindless large glob of players rolling forward in a direction without any clear command structure or strategy. Often results from a build up of individual people after a long stand-off or a large facility fight.


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